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Miranda's pov

I'm eating breakfast the day after the incident and Jason is yelling at Luke over the phone when suddenly I feel a hot burning pain in my leg. My hands start shaking in horror. "Jason!" I call. "Just a second!" He says from the living room. "No! Jason! I need you now!" I shout terrified.

Jason's pov

She sounds really freaked. "I gotta go. Unlike you, my wife is the most important thing in my life and I have to see what she needs!" I gripe hanging up before he can reply. "What's wrong?" I ask, walking into the kitchen. She's sobbing at the table. "Baby. What's wrong?" I cry, running over. "My leg." She whimpers. Her leg? Isn't that where..... Oh no! I help her up. "It's gonna be okay." I say, picking her up bridal style. "We'll get your leg looked at. It's probably nothin'." I assure her. Please let it be nothin'. I get in the truck and she calls her parents. "Meet us at the hospital." She says, hanging up. I hold her hand. I know I'm crying. I can feel it. "Come here." I say, softly. She curls into my side sobbing. "You'll be okay. I know you will." "You're getting your hopes up again." She says. Tim McGraw's song Back when comes on. She loves this song. I turn it up for her. "Come on honey, I know ya know the words."I say. She smiles. "Back when a home was a home, coke was a coke, and crack's what you were doin' when you were crackin' jokes. Back when a screw was a screw the wind was all that blew. And when you said I'm down with that well it meant you had the flu." We sing together along with Mr. McGraw of course. She turns the radio down. "Jason, stop the truck." She says. "Why?" I gasp, surprised. "Just do it." She says. I ease to the side of the road. "What's going on?" She grabs my arms and pulls me to her where we kiss long and hard. "Don't let go of me." She whispers. "You know I won't." I say, kissing her again. A long make out session ensues before she points to the back. "Really?" She nods. So we do.


We arrive at the hospital and she fixes my hair. "Oh there you are!" Her mom cries, hugging her tight. "What took you so long?" Her dad asks fearfully. I give her a look not sure what to say. "Traffic." She says, quickly. I smile and hold her hand as we walk inside. They get her checked in and run some tests but they don't have results yet. I pace the floor, waiting and worried. "Jason, stop." She says but I can't. "You know I can't stand still when I'm waiting." I say. She pats the bed. I sigh and sit beside her. "Baby, I-I don't want to lose you." I say. She has tears in her eyes. I rest my hand on her leg. "Promise me you won't leave me." "Jason, you know I can't control it." She says. "I know babe, just say it to reassure me." She smiles. "I'll never leave you." I hug her tight. Her mom pokes her head in and calls my name. I stand up glancing down at her. She lets go of my hand. "I'll be back in a second. I love you." I say, kissing her forehead. I join her mom in the hallway. "Please tell me she's just being paranoid." I say. She laughs slightly at the comment but shakes her head. "I'm sorry honey but it came back." She says. It feels like I've been kicked in the face by a horse. Not again. Her mom hugs me and I cry.

Miranda's pov

I barely survived this third time. How am I gonna survive a fourth? I know I have it again. I can hear Jason crying which only makes me cry because he's hurting. The door opens and my parents walk in. "Where's Jason?" I ask. "He went to the bathroom." Mom says. I lay back on the pillow. "I know it's back. I heard him crying." I say. Mom sighs and hugs me.

Jason's pov

I can't believe I broke down like that in front of her mom. Real manly! It reminds me of a line in on my highway, another song we wrote together. On my highway, I've broken down and cried when no one else was around and prayed that God would save my soul. I knew what I had to do. I hit my knees and prayed like I've never prayed before in my life.

Her dad's pov

I peeked into the bathroom. He was on his knees, his eyes closed. "Jason, what are you doing?" I ask. "Holy shit!" He cries, opening his eyes. "Ya scared the crap outta me!" "What were you doing?" I ask. He gets off his knees. "Prayin'." He says, blushing. I smile. "She needs you." I say. He nods and puts his hat back on.

Jason's pov

Dang it. I wish he didn't walk in on me like that. I walk into her room. Her mom is by her side. I sit by her bed in the chair I sat in when I first met her. She opens her eyes. "There you are." She says. I nod and hold her hand. "It's okay to cry Jason." She says. "You heard all that huh?" I mumble blushing again. She nods. "Damn these red cheeks!" I grumble. She laughs. "You're so silly." She says. Her mom leaves. "I can't believe it's happening again!" She whimpers. I send another silent prayer. God please let her live. I need her. "I'm cold." She says. I give her the blanket. "I don't want the blanket. I want my husband." She says. "Oh ok. I can definitely do that." I say, getting in bed beside her, hugging her to my chest. "You weren't really cold, were you?" I ask. She smiles. "Nope." She says, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me. I clasp her back tightly. She smiles in our kiss when I grab her bra strap. I don't care if she's in a hospital. We're still gonna do what married couples do. A line from Brantley Gilbert's hell of an amen plays in my head. A little cancer can't break me. It won't break her. It won't kill her. She'll be my girl for many more years to come. Her hands land on my bare chest. "Jason, I'll never leave you." She whispers. I smile. "I know baby girl, I know." I say, kissing her forehead.

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