Getting better

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Jason's pov

She still wears my cowboy hat even though her hair has started to grow back. "It's a miracle that you're even alive right now." The doctor says, looking at some papers. She shoots me a knowing look. I smirk. We both know it was the stuff that James gave me. But we decided to keep it to ourselves. I stand in the doorway while they talk. "When can I go home?" She asks. "In a few days. We want to make sure you're completely in remission again." He says. He rests a hand on her shoulder. "You're a very lucky girl." He says. She smirks. He leaves. "Luck had nothing to do with it. I had a kick ass boyfriend who saved me." She says. I close the door. "It's my genius brother that had the stuff that saved you." I say, sitting beside her on the bed. She lays her head on my shoulder. "When you do get to go home, ya wanna come home with me instead?" I ask. "That would be perfect." She says. "All I gotta do is break it to my parents." "I'll tell 'em for ya." "Jason you're the best." She says. I pull her close. "Ya wanna write some more songs with me?" I ask. "You know it." She says, excited. Lately we've been writing songs together and she's really good at it. Yesterday, we just finished up one called wide open. I can't wait to pitch it to my record company to put it on an album. Someone knocks on the door. Seconds later, my friend Tyler Farr walks in. "Hey girl, glad to see you're up and movin'." He says. "I just can't wait to be on the Nashville strip with all of you guys." She gasps. "Ok, Jason I finished writing this song and I was wondering if you wanted to collaborate on it with me." He says. "What song is it?" I ask. He hands me a piece of paper. At the top it says Damn Good Friends. "Wow, I already like it." I say, while reading through it. "You'd be singing the part about the little brunette." He says nodding his head to Miranda. I laugh slightly.

*one week later*

We are hanging out at the opry where the guys from the band are setting up. I'm singing big green tractor and several other number one hits. Eric grabs a beer. "So how's your girlfriend?" He asks. "Doin' great man. She's in total remission now. She wanted me to tell all a y'all thanks for the kind words a while back." I reply, getting my guitar out of my case. He chuckles lightly. "I'm glad she's doing better." He says. "Oh I forgot. She isn't my girlfriend anymore." I say, smirking. "Wait, you two broke up!!" He gapes. I laugh. "Nope, we're gettin' married. She's my fiancé." I say, laughing. "Oh phew, you had me going on that one!" He says, pointing at me. I laugh again. Miranda runs over. "It's so cool you're playing at the opry!" She gasps, hugging me. "Yep, it's definitely one place that every country singer wants to perform at." I say. "Hey, I don't believe I've had the pleasure." Eric says. "Oh hi Eric. I just loved what you all said a while back." She says. "You're welcome." He says. I'm called to stage. "Well I'll see y'all later." I say waving. "Wait." She says. I turn back around to a long kiss. "Good luck kiss." She says. I smirk and head to the stage.

Miranda's pov

While he's singing this nothin' town, I'm hanging out backstage listening when out of the corner of my eye, I see Justin Moore. Another one of the guys who said nice stuff to me on TV. I walk over. He's talking to a blonde haired girl. They finish talking. "Hey Justin." I say. He jumps and turns around. He didn't know I was behind him. "I kicked cancer's ass." He laughs. "I knew ya could." He says, taking his hat off. "It's such an honor to play at the opry." He says, glancing at Jason onstage. He's singing my kinda party. "My favorite part is when he sings it live he changes the words from Old Hank to George Strait." He says. I smile. "Mine's, the redneck romeo and tanlegged Juliet bit." I reply, grabbing a can of coke from a cooler. Several songs later, Jason comes offstage. He smiles when he finds me in the crowd. "Next time I'm up onstage, you better be with me." He says. "Ya know I can't wait." I reply, kissing him. He takes the cowboy hat off and hands it back to me.

Jason's pov

"Actually you keep it." She says. She's finally not embarrassed about her hair anymore. I put it back on and Justin pushes off the wall. "I was thinkin'. We should merge tours." He says. "My night train tour doesn't kick off for another two weeks. When's yours?" I ask. "My Hank it tour starts next week so I'm thinkin' somewhere mid August maybe." He says. "Sure. Just give me a call." I say. He walks toward the stage. "Will do." He says. "That guy is as cowboy as it gets." She says. "Maybe you should wear a belt that has your name on it." I laugh. "Nah, that's Justin's thing." I mutter. "We do need to get in the studio to record that duet." "When should we do it?" She asks, holding my hand. "Before this tour, because we'll be super busy during." I say. "Looks like we've got plenty of time." She says, a flirtatious tone to her voice. I smile and kiss her. I can hear Justin singing onstage. "I don't believe in politically correct, if ya want a piece of me better have a set." My hands rest on her sides and I sweep her off her feet. She holds back a scream in surprise. I laugh and kiss her again. We stare at each other. Then she knocks my hat over my eyes, messing with me. I fix it as she runs away with me chasing after her. She's fast but I'm faster. Then suddenly I don't see her anymore. "Baby, where'd ya go?" I call. 2 hands grab my shoulders and pull me back into a room. She locks the door. "There you are." I say, kissing her deeply. Her body pressed against the door. Her arms around my neck. She pulls me to the couch where we make out and more.

A survivor's storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz