A very personal meet and greet

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Jason's pov

I just finished up a leg of the tour and am getting ready to go out for drinks when Michael, my manager, walks into my hotel room. He looks upset about something. "What's up man?" I ask, fixing my shirt while looking at myself in the mirror. He hands me his phone. "Who is it?" I ask. "Just listen to him." He says, leaning against the wall and not telling me anything. Man sometimes he can really annoy me. "Hello?" "Is this Jason? Jason Aldean?" "Yeah who am I talking to?" "The name's Jimmy and I've got a friend who's got a daughter who just got checked in for her 3rd battle with cancer. She's a huge fan and says your music is the only thing keeping her going. If it wasn't too hard for you, could you please come visit her at the hospital. It jut might give her the strength to keep fighting." He says. I'm stunned. That poor girl. I'll make sure to get there for her. I love my fans. "How old is she and what hospital is it?" I ask. "She's 30 and Jackson memorial hospital." He replies. "I'll swing by on my way home." I say. I hang up and toss Mike his phone back. "Such an emotional heartbreaking story." He says. I nod. "Well, Mike, let's hit the road. We've got to pay a visit." I reply with a smile.

Miranda's pov

Someone knocks on my door. "Why can't I just suffer in peace?" I mutter, ignoring the knocking and putting my headphones in.

Jason's pov

"She's probably got her headphones in so she can't hear the knocking. She's always got them in." Her mom says. "Oh, okay." I say, gripping my guitar tighter and opening the door.

Miranda's pov

I guess they won't leave me be. I take my headphones out and look over. I am shocked to see Jason Aldean in my hospital room. "Whoa! Hey!" I gasp, too shocked for words. He waves and sits in the seat beside my bed. I'm speechless. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Your dad has some good connections and he got a hold of my manager." He says, calmly. "How are you feeling?" I smile. "As good as I can be I guess." I mumble, blushing.

Jason's pov

This poor girl. I hate to see my fans hurting. She tells me about the first time she got cancer at 12. We just sit there all day talking. I sang her a few songs. I hope she gets better. It's about time for me to go. I really wish I didn't have to. "Thanks. Hanging out with you today has done a world of difference." She says. I want to keep in touch with her to see how she's progressing so I give her my number. "I wanna see you rockin' at my shows when you're better." I say, smiling. "If I get better." She mutters. "Hey you will get better. And I'm rootin' for ya. Don't forget to call me and keep me updated." I say, hugging her.

Miranda's pov

He leaves and I'm just staring at the paper in my hand shocked. He wants to make sure I'm okay. He's such a great guy. I lay back on the bed staring at the paper with Jason's phone number on it. He'll always be the best.

Jason's pov

I walk down the hallway prepared to leave when I see her mom crying. "What's wrong?" I ask, walking over. "Nothing's wrong. I've just never seen her so happy. Thank you. You've completely changed her life." She says, wiping her eyes with a tissue. "It was no trouble ma'am. I love my fans and I love making them feel better, whether it be music or just talking. She's gonna pull through and when she does I wanna see her at the live shows dancing and singing her heart out." I reply, pressing the elevator button. "You're a great man." She says. I try to be." I reply as the elevator doors shut and she disappears from my line of sight.

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