A whole new level of Fandom

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Jason's pov

I just realized I didn't get her number. I'm walking back to the hospital when my phone buzzes. I look at it. It's a text from an unknown number. It says, this is my number, thanks for visiting. You're the best. I'm guessing it's her. I get another text saying look up so I do and she's waving to me from her window. I wave back.

Miranda's pov

He'll always be the best thing that ever happened to me. I stare at my stack of overflowing CDs. His CDs are right up front. I loved today.

*the next day*

My phone vibrates. I check it. "Good morning, darlin'." It was from Jason. "Wow how sweet!" I gasp. He sent me a good morning text. Mom walks in. "What is it, honey?" She asks. I show her my phone. She smiles. "Your dad is at work but after if you're strong enough we were gonna go out to eat." "Mom, I doubt I can eat anything." I mutter, running my fingers through my hair. It comes out in my hands!! Oh no! It's starting!!

Jason's pov

She calls me. "Hey, are you busy?" She asks. "Nope, just sittin' at home and watching TV." I reply, "what's up?" "Do you think you could come up here?" She whimpers. "Sure, what's wrong?" I ask, worried. I grab my keys. She's crying then the line goes dead. I get up there as fast as I can. I hear her crying from the hallway. I open the door. "Knock knock, you okay?" I ask. She sobs in her hands. Oh man, her hair is in a pile on the bed. That must be why she's crying. "I'm so ugly!" She cries. "No you aren't. You're beautiful. Your hair didn't define what you are!" I gasp, hugging her. "You aren't ugly." I wipe the tears from her eyes and sit beside her bed in the chair just like yesterday. Her mom walks in and cleans the hair up. "Thanks for coming back." She says. I nod. I stare at my hat. She'll love this. "Hey, hun. Don't cry. You're too pretty to cry." I say. She looks up. "I'm not pretty." She whimpers. I put my hat on her head. She gasps. "Trust me darlin' you are pretty." I say with a smile. I want to do something special for her. But what will she be able to do? "Hey, ya wanna catch the new maze runner movie with me?" I ask. "Wow! Sure!" She cries. I smile. "I'm gonna go get ready. I'll see ya in a couple hours." I say, hugging her again.

Miranda's pov

Mom walks back in. "I heard someone has a date." She says, smiling. "It isn't a date. He just feels bad for me." I mutter. "Oh nonsense, he cares about you!" She cries. I roll my eyes. "It would be a mistake for someone to take a girl with no hair on a date!" I gripe, crying. She sighs. "Come on sweetheart let's get you ready for your date." She says, helping me stand up. My leg where the cancer was found again is giving me problems.


I use his hat to hide the fact that I've got no hair. It was so cool of him to let me borrow it. A quarter to 7, that handsome man's at the door. My dad opens it for him. He has a soft smile on his face. "Ready to go on our date?" He asks, surprising me. It is a date. I nod and mom helps me stand up. "It's hard to walk around with my leg." I say, my cheeks reddening. "It'll be okay." He says, letting me hold onto his arm. He turns his ball cap around and waves to my parents. I can't believe he called it a date. We watch the movie and he holds my hand the whole time. I'm just totally shocked and overwhelmed with what he's doing for me.

*after the movie*

"Thanks Jason, that was so much fun." I say. He helps me get in his truck. He gets in too. "I wish I could take this cancer away from you." He says, sadly, staring at the floorboard. "You're doing the best you possible can do. Just knowing you care is all I need." I cry. He hugs me tight. "Don't forget I'm rootin' for ya." He says, making me smile. "And don't be afraid to pick up the phone. You can call me any time of day." "Thanks." We get back to the hospital where he drops me off and goes to do whatever it is he's doing.

Jason's pov

I really like her, like a lot. I really am glad I asked her to watch the movie with me. I want to ask her to be my girlfriend. I head over to Luke's house. "How's that hospital girl?" He asks. I stare at the ground sadly. "She lost her hair today so we went to a movie to get her mind off it." I say. "Like a date?" He asks. I nod. "I asked her out and I wanna do it again." I reply confidently. "You sure do care a lot about her." He says. I nod. I may cross the boundaries and say that I love her. "Luke, you're gonna probably think I'm crazy for this but she's so upset about not having her hair, I want you to shave my head!" I gasp. He stares at me shocked. "Why?!" He gapes. "That way she'll know she isn't going through this alone. I'm not going anywhere and I'm gonna help her through it. Just do this for me man, help a brother out!" I plead. "Okay man, but I think this is a bad idea." He says.

Miranda's pov

Jason texts me saying he has a surprise for me. I wonder what it is. He arrives a few minutes later. My mom and dad are about to leave but he asks them to stay. I'm a little confused. When he takes off his cap, me and mom start to cry because this morning where his hair had been, now it's just skin. "Y-You shaved your head!!" I cry, shocked. He nods and walks over to my bed. "You aren't alone in this fight." He says, super serious. He glances at my parents. I get the shock of my life when he kisses me. My parents leave to give us some alone time. He sits on the bed beside my feet. He puts his cap back on while I still wear his cowboy hat. "I want you to be my girlfriend." He says. "I'd absolutely love that!" I cry. He kisses me again, his kisses make me feel not sick. They make me feel me again. Whole and happy.

*the next day*

Jason's taking me out to dinner. He walks into my hospital room. I've traded the hospital garb for a summer dress and cowboy boots. "Girl, ya got me so hooked. Ain't nothin' ever looked better in boots." He says, his hands on his hips. "I don't know if I can really eat anything." I say. My stomach is always queasy from the chemo. "It don't matter. All I wanna do is be with you." He says, lovingly. The doctor walks in. "I've got something for you." He says. "What is it?" I ask. He holds up a cartridge. "What is that?" I gape, confused. "It's got your drugs in it. It's enough to last you all night so you don't have to come back to the hospital two hours later. You can stay out as late as you both want." He says, bringing tears to my eyes. "Thank you Mr. Sanchez!" I cry. "Of course you deserve this." He says. "How exactly does this thing work?" Jason asks, putting his hands on the chair beside my bed. "It sits in her pocket and has an IV snaking to her vein that pumps the drugs into her when it needs to." He explains, handing it to me. "Is it safe?" He asks. The doctor nods. 20 minutes later, me and Jason are heading out for our date."now you tell me if you need a break okay." He says. I nod. His arm is around me, holding me up as we walk to his truck. We go to dinner and the only issue I have is the food being too hot. It was a perfect night.

A survivor's storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz