A turn for the worse

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Miranda's pov

The stupid meds have made me super nauseous. I've been sitting on the bathroom floor all day, throwing up in the toilet. Jason comes over. "No, don't come in here!" I cry. I don't want anyone to see me like this! "Why?" He asks. "I don't want you to see me like this." I whimper. He opens the door anyway. I hide my head. He sits beside me, without saying a word.

*one week later*

It's only getting worse. I don't know if I can make it through a third time. I had to go back to the hospital so they could take care of me easier. My pillow is soaked with tears. "I hate that you got dragged into this." I whimper. "What are you talking about?" He gasps, holding my hand. "You're only going to get hurt if I die!" I cry. "You won't die!" He says, helping me sit up. "I'm glad I got to meet you either way." He hugs me. Dr. Sanchez walks in ruining the moment. He looks upset, striking fear into the very depths of my soul. "Would you please come with me." He says. Me and Jason stare at each other terrified. He knows as well as I do that it's probably bad news. He holds my hand. "We're all in this together." He says, forcing a smile and walking with me to the room. Mom and dad are there already, holding hands. She shakily walks over to me and hugs me. "Lemme guess, it's looking worse rather than better." I mumble. She nods and the doctor tells me a whole bunch of crap that I don't understand at all. My hand grips my necklace, fearfully.

Jason's pov

The doctor says she may have a month if that. It's too soon. Shes too young! She can't die now. The cancer was just too strong for her to fight off a third time, they say. "Just make her as comfortable as she can be." He says, angering me. "So that's it?! You're just gonna give up?!" I shout. "It's not giving up sir. There's nothing more we can do! It's not working on her anymore! I'm sorry!" He cries. "This was what I was afraid of." She whimpers, closing her eyes. "I'm gonna die." I grab her shoulders. "You aren't gonna die. I'll make sure of it. Come on." "Where are we going!?" She gasps. "Somewhere that'll make you better. There's gotta be something they haven't tried." I say. "Wait! Jason this is what I was talking about! You have to face facts. I'm not gonna make it and I can't keep running like this." She says, stopping and sitting down, breathing heavily. Crap! I probably just made it worse. I can't just watch her die. "I'm going to find a way to save you if it kills me." I say, walking out.

Miranda's pov

I lean against the elevator door in tears. My stupid body has turned against me and has now sentenced me to death. This is why I didn't want him to get close to me. He shoots me a text. "Don't worry." "How can I not worry when I'm dying?!" I text back. "You aren't gonna die. Just trust me on this." I throw my phone across the room. "Oh what does he know?" I shout, sobbing. Mom and dad sit beside me. "Where did Jason go?" Mom asks. "He thinks he can find a way to save me." I whimper. "I told you he cared about you." Mom says. "Now I wish he didn't because he's just gonna get hurt." I cry. My phone buzzes from across the room. My dad picks it up. "You're my girl. I'm gonna save you." Dad reads aloud. It only makes me cry harder. I hold his hat in my hand. That poor boy. I look up at dad. "When I die, if it's okay with Jason, I'd like to be buried wearing his hat." I say. "I'm sure he won't mind." Mom says. We go back home and I stay in bed.

Jason's pov

Rascal Flatts' song here comes goodbye is in my head as I drive down the highway with tears in my eyes. I turn the radio up loud to drown our the heartbreaking song in my head. "I hate saying goodbye." I'm not going to have to. She won't die. I'm gonna save her. I'm dreading how I'm gonna have to do it since I haven't talked to him in a long time. He didn't approve of me singing and said I was wasting my life. We got in a huge fight and haven't talked since then. My brother, genius scientist always coming up with new medical breakthroughs. Maybe just maybe he has something to make her better. I swallow my pride and open the door. He looks up from a bunch of papers. "Whoa! Jason, it's been a while." He says. I close the door behind me, nervously. "What's wrong bro, you're crying?!" He gasps, standing up. "Yeah, James. I know it's been a while. I desperately need your help." I say. "With what?" He asks. "M-My girlfriend. She's not doing good. She has cancer and they gave her a month to live." He walks around the desk and hugs me. It's almost like all those years of not talking have basically been erased. "Please tell me ya got something to save her. I can't lose her!" He sighs and looks over his shoulder. "Well there is one thing but it's still experimental and we don't know what the side effects are." He says. "I'll try anything." I instantly say.

Miranda's pov

It's been 2 days and Jason still hasn't come back. If I'm gonna die, I want him to be here with me. He's so determined to save me but if they haven't been able to find a cure after all these years, what makes him think he can all by himself. My bedroom door opens and tears of joy are in my eyes. "I'm gonna make this the best month of your life." He says, helping me up. "Where are we going?" I ask. "You've never been to a live show so I'll cross that off your bucket list." He says, his voice shaky. "Jason, I'm just glad you're back." I cry, hugging him. We go to the place where his show is being held. His fans are everywhere. We walk to the stage. His hands rest on my shoulders. "What are we doing?" I ask. "What song do ya wanna sing?" He asks, handing me a mic. "Me!? Sing?!" I gape, shocked. He nods. "It's a tribute concert for you. All the fans know your story and they're cheering you on just like I am. You just can't give up baby." He says, hugging me tight. "Do you know the lyrics to Justin Moore's if heaven wasn't so far away?" I ask. He nods. "I'll sing the first verse. You do the second and we both sing the chorus." He says. I hug him. "I'm gonna miss you so much." I whimper, trying not to cry onstage. "Baby, you ain't goin' anywhere." He says, brushing hair out of my face and kissing me. He turns to the crowd. "Everyday, I drive to work across flint river bridge. A hundred yards from the spot where me and grandpa fished. There's a piece of his old fruit stand on the side of saw mill road. He'd be there peelin' peaches if it was 20 years ago. And what I wouldn't give to spend 20 more years with you." He sings, changing the lyrics a little, catching me by surprise. He smiles and holds my hand. "If heaven wasn't so far away, I'd pack up the kids and go for the day, introduce 'em to their grandpa, watch 'em laugh at the way he talked." We sing together. The fans cheer for us. Jason sets his mic down. "The stage is set and you're the star tonight babe." He says, backing up. "I'd hug all three of those girls we lost from the class 99. And I'd find my bird dog Bo and take him huntin' one more time. I'd ask Hank why he took those pills back in 53 and old Janis to sing the second verse of me and Bobby McGee." We finish singing and the crowd goes wild. We do several more songs and then go backstage, where meet and greets are. A woman hugs me. "You're a strong brave girl. I know you'll beat this." She says. They must not know the recent news. "No I'm not." I say. He sighs and we sit down. "Yes you are." He says. His hands are shaking. "What's going on?" I ask. "I've got a brother who is really smart." He hands me a hypodermic needle. "This is an experimental drug he came up with that might save your life. But I want it to be your decision of if and when you're gonna do it. I highly recommend it." He says. I'm so shocked. He hands me the needle and I shakily clasp it in my hand. It's my choice. He hugs me. "Whatever choice you make, I'll support you 100%. I love you." He says, holding my shoulders. My eyes tear up. He kisses me passionately.

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