"I'm not- well... I shouldn't have yelled. I don't know why I yelled. I'm not mad. But I'm upset that you didn't tell me. I could've been there with you. I wish you had told me. When did you start to think...to think that you are pregnant?"

"When I was at the store," you told him.

"Oh. I thought maybe you were keeping things from me. I shouldn't have gotten angry. Shït, I'm so stupid. I'm so sorry for yelling at you, babe. I really am. I'm so, so stupid. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I don't-" he rambled on and on.

"Niall, stop," you interrupted. He quickly shut his mouth, but you could still hear his muffled breathing through the phone. Both of you were silent for a good two minutes.

"So, are you...?" Niall asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes, yes. Niall, I'm sorry. I'm pregnant. I know we didn't want this right now. We're not even married yet, we don't even live together yet. I wanted to wait until after we were married, or at least until we moved in together...I'm so sorry. I-"

"You wanted to get married some day? And have a family with me?" he asked, almost surprised. He sounded happy, though.

"Of course Niall, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone." You told him.

"We are going to do those things, someday. I promise. I want to marry you someday, Y/N. We're just doing thing backwards, I guess. Anyways..."

"We're going to be parents."

"Oh my god, I almost forgot. I'm going to be a dad. We're having a baby! I'm going to be a dad! We're having a baby. There's so much we need to do. We don't even live together yet. Oh god. How are we supposed to do everything in less than 9 months? We have so much to do. Oh god..."

"Calm down, Niall," you laughed. He continued to ramble about anything and everything while you just listened. Everything had worked out, and you were so glad. Niall wasn't angry at you anymore. He was excited about being a dad. You were going to have a future together. You were going to be parents.

Liam ~ Two weeks after Liam asked you if you wanted to adopt you decided that you did. It took days of research and reading stories written by people who adopted. You even had lunch with a woman that had adopted a baby girl from China three years before. She told you it was the best thing that she had ever done.

You still hadn't told Liam about your decision yet, mostly because you wanted to tell him in person. He had flown over seas to New York and L.A. for a week for promotion for his new solo album. He was coming back today, and you couldn't wait to tell him.

You were having a driver bring you to the airport to meet Liam. It was a bit of a long ride, and you were so excited to see your husband. He hasn't been away in a while, since he's been spending most of time writing and recording in your basement. But you knew that now that the album was set to be released that he would be away more. You figured that it wouldn't be that much of a problem since you read online that the adoption process could take well over a year.

When you got to the airport, Liam was waiting with Paddy outside. As soon as the car stopped, the two of them got in, Paddy in the front and Liam in the back with you. You kissed him as soon as he was situated with his bags, closing the divider to the front seat with your free hand.

"I missed you, babe. I wish you'd came with me- I know you love America." He said against your lips.

You pulled away, keeping your hands on his legs, "I know, but there's something I want to tell you." Liam pulled you close to him, and began to place kisses on your neck. He mumbled a simple 'what' against your skin. His hands found their way under your shirt, slowly moving up and down your bare skin. You were having a hard time concentrating with him all over you, but you loved it. "I've decided I want to adopt."

One Direction Pregnancy Series **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now