Part 15.

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Part 15.

(Star's P.O.V)

When my eye lids shoot open, I am no longer strapped to the table in the white room. I am now strapped to a hard, cold metal slate in what appears to be a laboratory. Two familiar people buzz around me in white coats; My english teacher, the big fat whale herself, Mrs. Ernst. And my Social Studies/French teacher Mrs. Hawley. I moan, my head reeling and shuffle, to find my hands and legs strapped down. 

Mrs. Ernst comes over to me and smiles. "Soon it'll be over honey." She says sweetly.

"Your..A-A monster." I manage as she sticks another needle into my arm, and I slip unconscious .


(Derek's P.O.V)

We creep around the side of the large building and peer into one of the windows. A vampire is pinned down to a table, her fangs extended, hissing at the people around her, who I recognize as teachers from the Lyle house. I hear Ash growl as they plunge a stake through her heart, pouring her crimson blood into a container and ripping her fangs from her mouth, putting them in a test tube. 

"Know her?" I ask quietly. 

"She's my sister." He growls. "Come on, obviously she's not in this room."

We crawl over to the next room and look in through the small window. 

"You would think they would be smart enough to close these windows.." I murmer.

We find Star in that room, a needle sticking out of her arm and a teacher measuring the length of her wings. 

"So how do we do this?" I ask.

"Jump in, tackle them grab the girl and run I guess..?" Ash shrugs and stands up, jumps through the window, shattering the glass everywhere. I follow quickly at his heels. 

In a split second one teacher is on the ground, Ash on top biting into her neck. When he looks up, his face covered in blood.

"Grab the other one you idiot!" He yells.

"Right!" i say, grabbing the other teacher, who isn't as fat as the other one thank god, and slamming her head against the wall then throw her out the window. 

"That should do the trick, Get Star, I'll get rid of your mess." i say quickly grabbing the blood-drained body and tossing it out the window, watching as it lands in a heap with the other. 

"Derek, I cant get the stupid straps!" Ash hisses, pulling at the metal straps binding Star to the table. I sigh.

"Step back and let a pro have a go!" I say pushing him aside and placing my hands on the straps and breaking the first one, around her wrist. Sirens ring through my ears as I struggle with the second strap, breaking it quickly.

Red lights buzz and beep, voices yell and I un-do the third strap, around her foot. 3 armed guards burst through the door as I get the last strap. Ash grabs her from the table and we begun to run towards the window when a shot rings out. A sharp pain shoots through my back and I feel my knees give out.

My vision blurs and I know, this is it. The End.

I just hope Ash can get Star out in time.



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