Part 13.

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Part 13.


     Ash and I scramble up from the ground just in time to see Derek, fuming, running towards us. I step infront of Ash just as Derek is about to lunge. I push him away harshly.

"Lay off Derek." I say calmly. Derek growles, clenchng and unclenching his fists. I step towards him and cup his cheeks in my hands. "Lay off." I repeat sternly.

"Yea mutt, lay off." Ash says, crossing his arms and smirking. Derek tries to lunge at Ash again. I block him. "Derek!" I hiss. He lookes at me, with a mixture of anger and stress in his eyes. Althought they soften when they meet mine. He looks at me with his big, chocolate brown eyes before turning away and stalking back down the alley.

Away from Ash.

Away from Me.

I turn back to Ash with a scowl apon my face. "You just HAD to do that didn't you?" I yell. Ash looks dumbstruck.

"What?" He asks, a hint of a smirk tugging at the ends of his lips.

"YOU HAD TO GO AND OPEN YOUR BIG FAT MOUTH!" I shriek, walking away from him, and trying to follow Derek.

"WAIT! WINGS WAIT! WINGS I'M SORRY!" Ash yells, running to try and catch up with me. I break into a sprint, and soon I hear him stop running, even though he could catch me easily. I hear him sigh but I continue to run. I stop when I see a flash of black fabric, backtracing a few steps. I see Derek sitting, leaning against a wall, staring into space. I go and sit next to him. He doesn't even glance my way.

"I'm not picking a side. From now on I'm neutral! Like switerland in world war one!" I say softley. Derek scowls, not even looking my way. "Please Derek.." I whisper. He glances to me and as his face softens tears prick my eyes. "I didn't mean to upset you." I say.

"You don't even know him." He says bluntly.

"Who? Ash? Yes, I know, but he..he's very sweet. Please Derek give him a chance?" I pled. Derek stares at me for a moment before nodding slightly.

"Only because you seem to enjoy him." He mutters. I fling my arms around his large body causing him to chuckle. "Calm down now."

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" I shriek. Derek  laughs.

"Anything for you deary." He teases causing me to punch him. "Star?" Derek's tone becomes serious.

"Yes Derek?" I match his tone in a teasing way, smiling. The smile fades from my lips when I see the misture of hurt and worry on his face."Derek?" I repeat.

"I-I really am sorry, I hope you know. I'm sorry, for-for everything." He mutters.

"You shouldn't be sorry, I should." I sigh. Derek gets up from the ground.

"You shouldn't be sorry either, but I have to go find Skylar and Simon, who knows, maybe their makin out in a tree somwhere." Derek winks before jogging off. I smirk before standing up and walking happily back to the alley.

Before th enterance I feel as if I'm being watched, as I go to turn, a hand is wrapped around my waist, another round my mouth. I try to scream, struggle, bite, but nothing works. I'm being pulled away. I lash out my arms and legs.

"Get her in the truck." A voice says. Somthing is stuck in my arm, I look to the side to find a needle poking into my flesh. My eyes begin to water, my vision blurrs, and I feel my head whirling.

Then the world goes black.


Sorry for the wait guys, but I promise to upload more often now.

Love you guys!


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