Chapter 34

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*Meli's pov*

Today was the day Bryce was coming today...last night my water broke while getting the kids to bed for the brother and sister in law rushed over to stay with them...everything was going pretty smoothly except with Bryce I was far more uncomfortable than I was with Katlyn or Aiden...Joe stayed by my side completely rubbing my feet, my back anything to help me through contractions...Lucas was bring the kids to visit before he took Lilly back to her mom's who had switches to day shifts so she had nights and weekends home with Lilly...but I took Lilly to school and picked her up..also today was Joe's birthday and we wanted the kids to spend a little time with their daddy...I smiled softly as my babies walked in with their aunt and uncle "Hi..."

Aiden came running "Mommy!.."

Roman caught Aiden mid run "Whoa bud you can't jump on the bed with Mommy right now..."

He looked at him completely confused "But she my mommy.."

I held my arms out "Hand him here.."

He nodded sitting him beside me "Careful Aiden.."

I smiled down at my sweet little boy.."Mommy is fine..we're just waiting on your baby sister to get here...she's just like you taking her sweet precious time.."

Aiden looked at me at my stomach then back at me "She still in your tummy?"

I nodded "Yes baby...she mommy and daddy will be here for a little while..but Uncle Luke and Aunt Amanda are going to take you to Gigi and Poppy 's house.."

Roman leaned down kissing the top of Aiden's head "When she gets here I'll call Gigi and they'll bring you all to meet your new little sister.."

Katlyn stood beside the bed as did Lilly "But can we stay daddy?"

He shook his head "I wish you could honey but we don't know how long it will be."

She nodded "Okay..."

I smiled softly "I love all three of you..."

Lilly smiled "Love you too Meli.."

After telling the kids goodbye they left...I layed my head back against the pillow "I think she's gonna be our drama queen"

Roman rubbed my lower stomach in an attempt to help with the pain "Possibly.."

I sighed softly..finally after 21 hours of labor little Miss Bryce made her arrival at 5:45 pm....she had a head full of dark hair but she looked like me...I was so in love with her...I smiled softly as I held this tiny pink bundle in my arms...she looked a lot like Katlyn did when she was born except the hair..her hair didn't darken till she was nearly 2..we called my parents and the agreed to visit tomorrow let us have the night with Bryce..I smiled as Joe took her and got beside me on the bed beside me...I picked up my phone taking a picture of mine and Joe's hands *Me and our beautiful children want to wish their daddy a very happy sure has been an eventful one this year ♡♡* I pressed a light kiss to his lips "Happy birthday.."

Roman smiled softly "One of the best I've ever had."

I smiled laying my head on his shoulder and slowly drifted off happily

*Roman's pov*

I couldn't believe she was here finally and on my birthday...after taking a shower I took over with Bryce while Meli showered...I sat in a chair with her asleep on my chest...I took a picture of her sweet little face and posted it to my Twitter *Yesterday on 5/25/18 my wife gave me the best birthday present a man could ever get...this sweet little girl came into our lives joining her big sisters and brother..we had a rough time but mom and baby are healthy and everyone meet Bryce M Anoa'i...named after one of the greatest women in had the honor to know someone who meant a lot to both me and my wife* I looked up seeing our families walk in "Hey guys Meli is in the shower..."

Joana walked over "Look at that hair..."

I smiled placing Bryce in her arms "I said the same thing."

She smiled "Did you guys finally come up with a middle name?"


I looked seeing Meli walking out with black yoga pants on and one of my merch shirts..her mess of blonde hair pulled up in a messy bun..I smiled "Bryce Madilyn..we actually had it picked out a while but Meli wanted to wait to tell everyone when she was born."

Duke smiled "Mom did adore you both she always knew you two would get married and have a family of your pleased she'd be to know you have.."

Meli smiled as she sat on the bed with Aiden, Lilly, and Katlyn..."I think she does Nona had her ways..I'm sure she still does."

He laughed "I think you're right Meli."

Dean chuckled "Can I hold my niece yet?"

I smiled "Go ahead?"

He gently took Bryce in his arms "She's so damn tiny...she's a lot smaller than Aiden was....I don't know how big Katlyn was.."

Meli smiled "Katy was 6 pounds 9 ounces..4 ounces lighter than Aiden was...Bryce is 5 pounds 8 ounces."

Dean smiled "She's makes Keagan look like a giant and he was only 6 pounds even.."

I chuckled "She's our dainty girl..Lilly was 7 pounds when she was born.."

Joana smiled softly "Meli was so tiny..5 pounds 3 ounces..nothing in stores fit her...Mark's mom made her dresses and fact she wore dresses and sleeper gowns until she was 6 months old because nothing fit her."

Mark laughed "I remember that...she ended up coming home in the hospital sleeper because everything we bought just fell off her...I was terrified to hold first kid...this tiny little girl who I could hold in the palms of my hands...but that moment I finally held her it just changed everything...despite everything that happened my kids are one thing I did get right."

I nodded "I couldn't agree more."

Dad nodded "Me too.."

I smiled everyone left...I sat watching Meli feed Bryce so I took the opportunity to check my Twitter and what not...congratulations from fans, friends and Co workers even the company did something...even Dwayne did a post to congratulate us on Bryce's birth...I smiled and replied to as many as I could..I decided to post the picture of us and all 4 kids taking Mark's words to heart *With all that has happened in my 33 years of life family is one thing that I've gotten children make me the man I wife holds me up when I feel I'm breaking.* I looked up meeting my wife's eyes "She good?"

Meli nodded "Yeah.."

I walked over getting on the bed with her "We take her home tomorrow."

She smiled "I'm ready to get home to our babies.."

I kissed her temple "Me too.."

Meli nodded "Yeah.."

I spoke softly "I love you baby."

She looked at me with a small smile "I love you too."

I pressed a light kiss to her lips...tomorrow couldn't come fast enough

Author's Note


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