Chapter 16

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*Meli's pov*

We made it through was nice to have both girls there..Tessa even let her stay with us Monday and Tuesday then of course I flew with the girls home to handle things at home..tonight I would make my return to the ring as punishment for telling off Stephanie..I was nervous...I was dressed and ready I could tell I was nervous...I felt Joe press a kiss to my shoulder "Joe."

Roman sighed "You got this baby.."

I sighed softly "I know but its been 3 years since I've had a match."

He nodded "I know babe...but you got're dad comes back once a your DNA."

I turned my head pressing my lips to his "I love you."

Roman smiled "I love you."

I took a deep breath "Let's do this."

He smiled "Yeah."

I sighed and walked out...I opted to use my old music before the Shield...the guys walked out with me...I stood in the ring a nervous Evolution's music hit I stood my ground as they walked out

Paul got on the mic "I warned you Meli..getting involved would prove problematic for you...this is more than punishing you...what better way to deal with the Shield than to put you in this match this 2 on 1 handicap match...with none other than Batista as the special guest enforcer..and if the Shield gets involved you're fired."

I looked at the guys then out towards Dave, Paul, and Randy "Come on then."

He chuckled "As you wish.."

I held my breath as the music of Beth Phoenix started I felt Joe's hand on my back "Get out of the ring I'll be fine."

Roman kissed my temple and got out of the ring with the guys

My jaw dropped as I heard music music I hasn't heard in a long time Kharma...I stood back in the corner as they got in the ring...I was scripted to take a beating but to come out on top pissing off the bell rang I pounced on Beth not giving her a chance to get me first it didn't last when Kharma grabbed my hair yanking me to the mat...the match went on I was spent I held onto my ribs as I tried to regroup seeing my opportunity and Beth being the legal person I took her out by her knees and kept on her after kicking Kharma off the ring I had Beth in corner with her down I jumped off the ropes driving my feet into her chest...when she got up I got on the top rope and jumped off driving her face first into the mat...I covered her 1...2...3....when the bell rang I quickly got out of the ring holding my ribs..I laughed "Shield 2-Evolution 0"

Dean and Seth raised my hands

I smirked as we got over the baracade...I sighed deeply as we went backstage..I smiled as I was met by Katlyn and Nikki "Hey baby."

Katlyn put her hands on my cheeks "Mommy hurt?"

I shook my head "No baby mommy isn't hurt."

Roman chuckled "Your mama is just fine fact why don't you hang out with me Jon and Colby while she showers.."

She looked at me then at Joe "But I stay with Mommy daddy."

He nodded "And you will but mommy needs to shower...we'll even get ice cream."

I kissed her forehead "I won't be long Kit Kat...go on I'll be along I'm a few."

Katlyn went to Joe "Go daddy."

Roman gave me a smile and walked off

I smiled to myself and went to shower after I got dressed I headed to catering...I found Katlyn at the food table with Jon...I walked up behind Joe wrapping my arms around his neck "I love you."

He turned his head "I love you too."

I smiled "What are Jon and Katlyn doing?"

Roman chuckled "Well she ate a hotdog and fries now Jon is teaching our girl how to build the ultimate sundae."

I laughed "Well then."

He pulled me down onto his lap "Are you sure I can't talk you into a honeymoon?"

I nodded "I'm sure."

Roman pressed a kiss against my ear "I mean one of our moms can keep the girls for a couple days...or we can make it a family thing and take the girls with us....Paul and Stephanie already said we can have the days after Raw and Smackdown off."

I smiled softly "I'll think about it.."

He smiled "Good because I would like to take the girls to Hawaii."

I nodded "How can I argue with that.."

Roman smiled "Is that a yes?"

I nodded "Its a yes."

He leaned up pressing a kiss to my lips

A little giggle was heard "Daddy iss Mommy!"

Dean chuckled "It happens kiddo..."

I laughed "Hey baby girl.."

Katlyn looked at me with a big chocolate grin.."Hi mommy."

I smiled "You're not supposed to taste test the toppings Kit Kat."

He laughed as they sat down "Now where is the fun in that?"

After the show ended Katlyn sugar crashed hard she didn't even make it out of the city limits before passing out...when we got to the hotel I put her to bed and changed myself crawling in bed with Joe who was checking his emails...I decides to take a picture *Still hard to believe I get to spend the rest of my life with this man* I smiled as he looked at me "What?"

Roman shook his head "Dork."

I smiled "Very much...but you love me."

He leaned over pressing a light kiss to my lips "We should hear from the lawyers soon about Katlyn's adoption."

I nodded "How did that meeting go by the way you never told me."

Roman smiled as he put away his laptop "It went great...judge understood why I wanted to adopt her and praised me for it...praised you for what you tried to do..I think this is it baby."

I smiled "I hope so.."

He smiled "Before long you both will be Anoa'is."

I smiled "Can't wait."

Roman pressed a kiss to my lips again "Goodnight babe."

I smiled "Goodnight."

He turned off the lamp and pulled me closer not saying anything else

I smiled softly and slowly drifted off to sleep

Author's Note

Roman and Meli get the news they've been waiting well as a welcomed surprise

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