Chapter 31

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*Mel's pov*

I had been home a few weeks and I was slowly getting into a routine with the kids....Tessa had taken a new job which had her working nights so Lilly was with me but she would pick her up in the mornings and take her to school then drop her off on the way to work...and her says off were spent with Lil...I didn't mind at I was preparing for Aiden's 1st birthday and planning out Thanksgiving....I was going through some recipes when a knock came to the door..I looked down at Katelyn who was playing with her dolls and Aiden who had his eyes glued to whatever Disney cartoon was on...I stood up walking to to the door I opened it to see Rachel "Oh my god you're here!"

Rachel laughed "I know I'm not supposed to come for another week but mom has been pestering me to visit more so I thought why not...I get a chance to hang out with my best friend and godkids..."

I closed the door as she walked in "Are you staying with your mom?"

She nodded "Until Jon gets to town then I'm staying in the hotel with him...Joe offered us the guest room but Jon and I knew you two would want to spend time with your babies.."

I nodded as we walked into the kitchen"You're family though Rach.."

Rachel nodded "I know but I know Joe will want alone time."

I laughed "Maybe.."

She smiled "So how is it being a homebody now?"

I smiled peeking in on the kids "I love and Amanda are set to open in January...I love waking up in my own bed granted I miss waking up to Joe but it's nice to wake up and cook breakfast for my kids."

Rachel smiled "That's exciting...I'm trying to talk Jon into moving here but I don't think that will ever happen he loves Vegas..I love it too but we're so far from you guys."

I smiled softly "Well Jon is stubborn.."

She laughed "Very true.."

We talked for a while until she had to leave...with the kids napping and Lilly doing homework I started cleaning up from dinner until my phone rang "Hello?"

"Hey beautiful."

I smiled as I put the last dish in the dishwasher "Hi babe.."

"How are our monsters?"

I smiled softly "Well Aiden and Katlyn are down for the night and Lilly is sitting at the table finishing her homework then off to bed for her..."

"How is she settling in living there?"

I looked over at a pajama clad Lilly in the dining room "Pretty good she misses Tessa...but she picks Lil up every morning takes her to school and drops her off on her way to work..and spends all weekend with her."

"It's not too much for're raising my daughter."

I shook my head "Joe...she's my daughter too maybe not biologically but I claim her just the same..."

"I know I was just worried.."

I smiled "I know baby...we're all settling in great...our girls are getting spoiled to breakfast every morning."

"Now I'm jealous..."

I smiled "When will you be home?"

"Next Tuesday night..the minute the tapping ends Jon and I are driving from Georgia to Tampa probably be 2 or 3am when we get there."

I nodded "Kids will be excited to wake up to you being home."

"Yeah I'm ready to be home for a few days..I miss you guys."

I smiled softly "We miss you too..."

"What are y out guys doing for Lilly tomorrow?"

I smiled "Well I'm taking her out to eat and her and two friends and of course Katlyn to Claire's and a sleepover..I don't know what Tessa is doing.."

"She'll love that."

I nodded "Yeah.."

"Baby I gotta go my match is in 10."

I nodded "Call in the morning so the girls can talk to you."

"I will....I love you baby."

I smiled "I love you too....bye."

"Bye babe."

I hung up..after Lilly finished her school work I got her to bed then finished cleaning up the house..when I finally got to go to bed I was exhausted tomorrow was going to be and eventful day..

Author's Note

Meli gets some exciting news

Time jump

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