Chapter 15

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*Roman's pov*

Tonight was the Smackdown taping..the Shield Summit as they were calling it..this would stem from Colby walking out on me and Jon during our match with the Wyatt's....with Katlyn spending a couple weeks visiting Mark in Texas we had a lot more time alone if course Meli missed her terribly...we were at the gym getting a work out in before the show..I shook my head slightly as I watched Meli running on the treadmills with Nattie and Trinity.."So I got Meli's ring."

Seth looked at me "Dude you still got 4 months."

I nodded "I know I was looking...I seen it and I had to get it."

Dean chuckled "You know I never thought you'd get married..."

I laughed "Never thought you'd be dating someone."

He shrugged "Well when Meli is that damn persistent..I went on the date and I have to say I'm attracted to her...girl is amazing."

Seth looked between us "What girl?"

I laughed "Meli's friend Rachel..she introduced them last month."

He laughed "Thanks for telling me assholes."

I laughed "You'll survive..."

Seth laughed "So its official the lunatic has a girlfriend?"

Dean nodded "Yeah."

I nodded after working out we went back to the hotel after a shower I found Meli standing out on the balcony wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt...I walked out wrapping my arms around her waist "What's wrong?"

Meli smiled softly "I'm fine just taking in this gorgeous view."

I pressed a kiss to her head "It is beautiful... have you talked to Kat?"

She nodded "Michelle called while you were in the shower they were heading to the park...and Katlyn misses her daddy."

I smiled "I miss her too.."

Meli smiled "And Lilly called she lost her tooth."

I smiled "Awesome."

She kissed my cheek "That's from both your girls."

I smiled down at her "What about my bride?"

Meli turned as she pressed her lips softly to mine "And that's from me."

I pressed my lips to hers again pulling her closer

She pushed me back slightly "We gotta go.."

I grumbled "Can't we be late just this once?"

Meli looked at my watch then nodded "Okay.."

I pulled her back into the room closing the door behind us...when we finally got to the arena we signed a few autographs before walking inside...when we got to the locker room we found Jon and Colby inside "Hey."

Dean chuckled "I see you two are taking full advantage of Katlyn not being here."

I nodded with a laugh "Maybe a little."

Meli laughed "On that note I'm going to change."

I smiled as she went into the bathroom "What?"

Dean smiled "So you two are serious about having a baby huh?"

I nodded "'s something we both want..Meli wants to take time off after the Evolution feud."

He nodded "Good luck man."

I nodded "Yeah.."

Meli walked out dressed in dark skinny jeans and a white tank top with a lace back she sat down putting on her boots "What?"

I shook my head "That?"

She raised an eyebrow "What's wrong with it?"

I smiled "Nothing..just that back is quite see through."

Meli shook her head laughing "You sound like Lucas..if it makes you feel better they have a custom jacket I'm wearing tonight so my back will be covered."

Seth laughed "How come you get custom shit and we don't?"

She smiled as she stood up "Well I have the boobs in this little group...people well guys pay more attention to what I have on than the 3 of you."

He stood there with mouth gaped..

Dean laughed "And there is your answer Colby."

I laughed as she walked out "And that's one reason I'm marrying her."

He laughed "Right."

I laughed and starting getting ready

*Meli's pov*

After getting hair and make up done I was heading back to the locker room when Paul stopped me "Hey.."

Paul nodded "I wanted to run something by you..I want to put you in a match...I know we agreed just involvement but we think it will had to the fire Evolution to target you."

I nodded "Okay."

He nodded "We'll talk more is your family?"

I smiled "Great everyone is has been hitting the gym everyday to get ready for Wrestlemania.."

Paul nodded "Katlyn is in Texas now right?"

I nodded "Yeah dad and Michelle asked for her they don't get to see her as much so I figured let her spend some time with them she's loving it but I miss her like crazy...both girls really."

He nodded "That's right Joe has a 5 year old daughter..."

I smiled and nodded "Yeah she's a pretty awesome little girl."

Paul sighed "I hate to ask but have you heard from Phil?"

I sighed "I haven't heard from him since the night after the Rumble he called to tell me I would never hear from him again that he was leaving...all I can say is I know he's in Chicago."

He nodded "I would never say this to anyone but after all that happened Katlyn is better off with Joe..when she is older she'll know the truth."

I sighed "Sadly I agree but I tried and she will know that I tried my hardest..he just didn't want to."

Paul nodded "I understand...well I'll let you go I'll be in touch about the match."

I smiled "Thanks Paul."

He nodded and walked off

I smiled and went to the locker room...after the show we check up on the girls before going out to eat..I sat stirring my drink with my straw "So I will have a match...I don't know with who but it will be apart of the Evolution/Shield storyline."

Roman looked at me "Is that what you want?"

I nodded "Last hoorah before I step away for a little while...why not I haven't been in the ring in a year..I would like Katlyn to see me in the ring once before I walk away."

He nodded brushing his thumb across my knuckles "Well you know I support you completely baby no matter what you decide."

I smiled "I know but I want your opinion...this will put our plans on hold."

Roman took my hand in his "Like I said baby when you're ready we'll do want to this do it so do it..nothing is gonna change."

I smiled "Okay.."

He kissed my hand "Okay.."

After dinner we headed to the hotel and fell asleep watching some stupid movie

Author's Note

Meli is returning to the ring in a match

Dean has a girlfriend?!

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