Chapter 17

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*Roman's pov*

Things were pretty good even though the Shield was official disbanded well in the ring at least...but some great things have happened earlier this month the day after the break up happened Meli discovered she was pregnant...of course Lilly and Katlyn were excited as were our families...we had a little time off this weekend so we decided to spend it in Pensacola with our families...I sat outside with my brother, father, my cousins, Duke, and Lucas watching the kids play Meli was inside with our mothers, Trinity and Lucas's wife Amanda doing who knows in the kitchen...I took a drink watching the girls playing "I should hear from the lawyer soon."

Jimmy nodded "Are the girls anxious?"

I shook my head "They're more excited about the wedding and the baby than they are about the adoption...I don't think they care honestly."

He chuckled "Its an exciting 3 weeks ahead of you guys."

I nodded "Mom, Joana, and Michelle have been hammering every detail...I figured I'd be more involved in planning my wedding but we told them what we wanted and didn't want they've handled everything I think the only think me and Meli have done on our own is our rings, food, and cake."

Jimmy nodded "I'm excited for you guys no joke...I mean I saw how in love you guys took time and a couple kids to make your way back to each Meli and Katlyn had to get hurt the way they did."

I nodded "I still want to rip I
his throat but what's the point..Katlyn has no idea who he is..I mean at some point we'll tell her who Phil is but right now she's 2 she doesn't understand to her I'm daddy."

He nodded "You may not be the one who made her but you're the one who's held her when she's scared, comforted her when she's've been there for the little things the stuff a daddy is supposed to be there treat her no different than you do Lilly."

I nodded "Yeah."

Meli walked out photo clutched in her hand "Joe?"

I raised an eyebrow "Is everything okay?"

She nodded "Everett just called....its over Joe...Katlyn is officially an Anoa'i"

Dad clapped a hand on my shoulder "Well son you are now the father of 3."

I looked at Meli "Babe really?"

Meli nodded and smiled "Yes really?"

I pulled her into a hug "We're a family.."

She smiled "Yeah we are.."

I smiled the day went on I watched Meli playing with the girls...I felt a hand on my shoulder..I looked over seeing Lucas "Hey."

Lucas nodded "I'm glad she has you...I didn't like how much of a mess Mel was when she returned baby sister was hurt and I couldn't help her...but fixed her took to my niece in a way you didn't have too and I thank you for that..."

I nodded "I never got over Meli...when we met up again we were completely different then all that shit happened I saw her broken in a way I hadn't seen her since her grandfather died...I sat with her and we talked I realized how much I still loved her..I didn't want a rebound with her I wanted to just be with her...I stood by her with all Phil's stunts..I stood up for Katlyn when he wouldn' they're my wife and daughters."

He nodded "Are the girls excited about the baby?"

I nodded "Katlyn doesn't get it yet but Lilly is excited.."

Lucas chuckled "Amanda is too...she's already picking out gender neutral stuff...she's steering towards boy stuff.."

I laughed "I won't lie I'm hoping for a boy I'm out numbered but I'll be fine with another girl."

He laughed "I hope for your sake she's calmer this time around than she was with Katlyn."

I raised an eyebrow "That bad?"

Lucas nodded "Only time I felt sorry for that son of a bitch...she had some awful mood swings."

I laughed "Oh lord...I guess I better start sucking up now.."

He laughed "Pickles, peaches and least that's what it was with Katlyn."

I nodded "I can handle that.."

Lucas nodded "Good luck man."

I nodded after a while after putting the kids to bed I sat outside with Meli taking in the peaceful night..I wrapped my arm around her shoulders pulling her closer to my side "So Lucas tells me you were a terror while pregnant with Kat."

Meli nodded "I was stressed...I love Katlyn more than anything but she wasn't planned at all I wasn't ready to be someone's mom...I was at the top of my career and I had to give it up..I wasn't exactly happy...but she got me through it and the minute she was placed in my arms it didn't matter I'd walk away from the WWE forever for her...for all 3 of them."

I looked down at her "For Lilly."

She moved looking at me "Yes...we're a family."

I pressed a kiss to her lips "I love you."

Meli smiled "I love you too."

I nodded "We should talk names.."

She nodded "We should."

I nodded "I have no idea."

Meli smiled "We'll think of one..."

I smiled "Now a boy.."

She looked at me "Parker.."

I raised an eyebrow "Parker?"

Meli nodded "I know its not a typical name but I like it.."

I smiled "So we have one name."

She smiled "Yeah."

I pressed a kiss to her temple "Now to make you and Anoa'i.."

Meli laughed "Only a couple weeks."

I nodded with a smile "Can't wait.."

She nuzzled my neck slightly "Can we go to bed?"

I nodded "Yeah we can."

Meli stood up holding her hand out "Come on."

I stood and took her hand "Okay let's go to bed."

She smiled and led me inside

After peeking in on the girls we went to bed...I couldn't wait to share the news with Jon and Colby...

Author's Note

The adoption was finalized...and Meli and Roman are having a baby!!

The wedding is next with a very heartfelt moment between father and daughter

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