Chapter 19

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*Meli's pov*

Its been a couple weeks since the wedding...I was still on cloud 9...I was now a but over 3 months along and next week would announce the pregnancy...tonight was Raw and we were sans Katlyn as she was with my mom and step dad for their yearly Nashville vacation which I was fine with she was excited to go Tessa even let them take Lilly...I sat backstage with Nikki and Trinity "I had that whole 4 days in Hawaii with the girls I miss them terribly."

Nikki smiled "How is Katlyn and Lilly liking Nashville?"

I smiled "Judging from the call I got this morning they're having a blast they're at some huge water park...Nashville Shores I think is what mom said."

She smiled "So when should we found out what Baby Anoa'i is?"

I smiled "Possibly next visit...or next month..I promise as soon as we find out you guys will know."

Naomi smiled "You better we know where you live...I wanna know what my little baby cousin will be."

I smiled "About that...I'll find Brie and Nattie later and I already asked Rachel..but will you two be this baby's two have had my back through all this drama...I couldn't imagine my babies having better godmothers than the two of you."

Nikki beamed "Of course can't be Aunt Nikki to just one cute little Meli offspring..."

Naomi smiled "I'd be honored Mel.."

I smiled "Great.."

Roman walked up with Jon and Jonathan.."What's going on here?"

Nikki laughed "Well looks like Baby Anoa'i officially has 3 godmothers..."

He looked down at me with a smile "Have you asked Brie and Nattie?"

I shook my head "Not yet..have you?"

Roman nodded "They all said yes...even John."

I smiled "Good.."

He leaned down giving me a sweet but brief kiss "I'll see you in a little bit..I gotta get ready."

I nodded "Okay.."

Roman kissed me again then walked off

I sat with the girls for a little while then went to talk to Brie and Nattie...before long it was showtime so here I sat watching Joe's match with eyes never left the screen..I knew the outcome of this match...but I knew how this worked..there was a chance one of them if not both of them...I gasped as Glen hit Joe with the steel steps...when I saw the blood I knew what had happened...when they came and got me I went to the trainers room watching as they stabled him up of course this dork of a husband of mine was laughing it up "Stop laughing."

Roman chuckled from his place laying on the table "I'm fine babe."

I shook my head "6 staples and a possible concussion says different."

He smiled slightly "I'm okay."

I nodded slightly when everyone left I placed my hands on either side of his face "I love you."

Roman let his hands rest on my hips "I love you I've had worse than this remember my eye...I'm okay."

I sighed "I know.."

He sighed "I don't want the know how this happened.."

I raised an eyebrow "They'll be back next week how do you plan to explain 6 staples in your head Joe."

Roman nodded "I'll figure it out."

I nodded "Let's go get your stuff I'm taking you back to the hotel."

He nodded slowly "Okay."

I nodded..after hanging around for a bit we got our stuff and left...while Joe got cleaned up I answered a call from Sika and Patricia "Hi.."

"How is he Josh called us and told us Joe was hurt."

I sighed "He's okay 6 staples.. I just got him back to the hotel."

"No concussion?"

I nodded "Minor nothing a couple Tylenol won't cure..gotta keep him awake for a couple hours to make sure."

"How are you honey and the baby?"

I smiled softly "We're fine..morning sickness is fading so that's a plus."

"Are the girls having fun with your mom and Duke?"

I nodded as I changed for bed "Yeah they went to a huge water park today they're having a blast."

"Good well I'll let you guys rest love you both.."

I nodded "Goodnight Patricia."


After a goodbye I hung up..I got in bed plugging my phone up

*Roman's pov*

I walked out of the bathroom seeing Meli in bed..I smiled softly as I crawled in bed with her "Hey."

She gave me a small smile "How's the head."

I stretched slightly "Good...who called?"

Meli moved to my side "Your mom and dad."

I sighed softly "I didn't like that look in your eyes...I've never seen that look...even with your dad."

She sighed "My husband was was worried."

I kissed her forehead "I'm okay baby...I promise."

Meli nodded "I know..."

I nodded "Guess we could talk about names.."

She smiled "Yeah...we have a boy name we need a girl name.."

I ran my fingers through her hair slowly "What to you think of Hayley Lalia for a girl."

Meli smiled "I like it...but I want the girls' input..I know its silly but this is there little brother or sister."

I nodded with a smile "We ask them when they get home."

She smiled "Okay."

I pressed a loss to her lips "Sleep I'll be alright.."

Meli nodded with a small yawn "Okay.."

I watched her as she fell asleep after a couple hours I did the same

Author's Note

How sweet was this??

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