Chapter 18

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*Mark's pov*

Today was the day my oldest my little sidekick was getting married...she was starting the life she should of had..Joe was a great guy and he treated my daughter and granddaughter how they should of been treated...I walked into the room to see Meli she had a strapless white flowing dress which fit her perfectly...seeing all 4 of my girls dressed up and of course my granddaughters I knew I was a blessed man...I shook my head as my name was said "What?"

Michelle shook her head "Mark quit just standing there get in here."

I smiled and walked in..I looked at my daughter her blonde hair fell around her shoulders in soft waves and her blue eyes shown brightly things she got from Joana...I smiled "You look beautiful Duckie."

Meli smiled widely "Thank you daddy.."

I pressed a kiss to her forehead "You've grown up on me...your are soon to be a mom of 2...a step-mom...where has my stubborn mean ass little girl gone."

She smiled "She's sitting over there with her Gigi.."

I chuckled "So I guess we need to do these pictures huh?"

Meli nodded "Yeah."

I nodded and we all walked out...we would be barefoot for the ceremony which was Lilly and Katlyn's choice..I stood beside her as we took pictures "I'm so proud of you Melanie."

She smiled up at me "Daddy."

I fought the tears "I worried about how my marriages me living so far away and always working would affect you...but you still looked at me like I was some superhero."

Meli turned facing me "Because you still me..the Katlyn...I knew how much you loved me and what you were doing for me..."

I smiled down at my daughter "I wish you all the happiness in the world baby girl..all of it."

She leaned up pressing a kiss to my cheek "I love you daddy."

I smiled "I love you too."

Meli just smiled

When it was time for the ceremony I beamed with pride as I gave her away...I saw the love they had for each other... I saw how much they loved those girls...this is where they both belonged together as a family it just took a little time to get there

*Roman's pov*

I was officially married Meli was mine...we were finally a family..I stood watching Meli sharing a dance with Lucas..after her dance with Gunnar...I looked at Jon "I appreciate you being my best man.."

Dean nodded "I was surprises you asked.."

I nodded "I was going to Matt but he told me to ask you..."

He chuckled " how's it feel to finally be married to the girl who has haunted you for so long?"

I smiled "Complete.."

Dean nodded "When should you find out the sex of the baby?"

I smiled "August...

He nodded "When do you guys plan to announce it...people are gonna wonder why Meli has disappeared again."

I nodded "I'm leaving that up to Meli right now the important people know."

Dean nodded "True...are the girls wanting a brother or sister."

I laughed "Lilly is dead set on it being a girl..Katlyn doesn't care she wants a puppy."

He laughed "Get that girl a puppy."

I laughed "Lucas did a German Shepard..he'll stay with him till he's trained."

Dean nodded "Nice."

I nodded "Well as much as I like talking to you I'm gonna go dance with my wife and daughters."

He laughed "Go on man."

I smiled and walked off scooping Lilly up while Meli had Katlyn..I shared a silly dance with my family..after a while Lucas took the girls home we would pick them up in the morning to take a family trip to Orlando for the day just the 4 of us...I was on the floor with my hand resting low on her back as I held her left hand in mine...I pressed a kiss to her slender hand "I love you."

Meli spoke softly "I love you too."

I smiled down at her as her eyes met mine "We finally did it."

She smiled "Yeah.."

I moved a stray curl behind her ear "I'm gonna make you happy baby I swear."

Meli nodded "You already always have."

I smiled "Good to know."

She placed her hands on either side of my head "I love you with all my heart..."

I smiled softly "I love you too baby.."

Jimmy picked a mic "I've known Meli and Joe for a long time since we were dad worked for he WWE, as was Joe's dad..and of course Meli's dad...and Meli's mom and step dad lived in our neighborhood...we all hung out a lot but she was still Lucas's little sister...but when these two started dating it was more than some silly high school romance anyone could see how deeply they cared for each other but life happened and they split up going their separate ways...they each had beautiful little girls...they found their way back to each other after 9 here we are they're married with a baby on the way...I couldn't be happier to have the girl who is basically my best friend would now be Meli and Joe here is to you.."

I gave him a nod...after a while the reception ended and I took my wife home...I layed there with Meli in my arms "So Disney World or Universal Studios?"

Meli laughed "What?"

I smiled "Well I thought about just spending the shopping and going to the beach with the girls...but what do you think about spending the day at the amusement park...Mama's choice."

She smiled "Disney World...every little girl needs that princess trip."

I tilted her head up "And our princesses will."

Meli pressed her lips lightly to mine "They'll love it."

I smiled softly "We should attempt sleep then."

She nodded "We should."

I kissed her again then we settled into a peaceful was as it should be

Author's Note

They're married!!!

Meli's dress and shoes

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