Chapter 12

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*Meli's pov*

While my mom had Katlyn and with Tessa's permission Joe and I took Lilly out to eat for dinner to kind of explain what was going on...we sat at an ice cream shop...I sat with a smile watching Joe and Lilly..."Are you having a good time Lil?'

Lilly smiled "Yes...does this mean I noe have two Mommy's?"

I looked at Joe.."I guess you can day that...I'm gonna love you as much as your mommy does.."

She nodded "Good...I like having two mommys."

I smiled softly "How about a little sister?"

Lilly looked at me "Katy is my sister?"

Roman nodded "Well she will see sweetheart daddy is adopting she will be your sister."

She looked at her father "What about her daddy?"

He sighed "Its complicated sweetheart...but daddy loves Meli and Katy too and I want us to be a that okay?"

Lilly nodded "My friend Hannah had a little sister too...I have one too."

I smiled softly she was so smart for her age I took a necklace out of my pocket "Now I can give you this."

She looked at me "What is it?"

I smiled softly "Its a big sister dad bought me this when my little brother was I want you to have it."

Lilly smiled "Thank you.."

I smiled as she hugged me "You're welcome sweetheart."

Roman looked at his watch "Well kiddo its time to go you got school tomorrow."

She frowned "But daddy."

He shook his head "No buts let's go Lil.."

I threw our stuff away and we left after getting Lilly settled and ready for bed I started on laundry...

*Roman's pov*

I was tucking Lilly in for the night.."You know me and Meli have to leave Saturday."

Lilly nodded "Daddy do you love Katlyn more than me?'

I was taken back by that "What sweetheart no never...what makes you think that?"

She shrugged "You see her more than me."

I shook my head "Honey no...Meli has to work she's Katlyn's mom so she is with her all the time except the times her grandma has here...I'm with Meli so I'm with Katlyn...I miss you every second of the day and I wish I could have you with me every does Meli.."

Lilly nodded "I want Katlyn as my sister but you're still my daddy right."

I poked her nose "I may be adopting Katlyn and I'm sure me and Meli will want more of you little monsters but you my little bug will always be my first baby girl...I'm always going to be your daddy."

She smiled "Daddy.."

I kissed her forehead "Goodnight princess I love you."

Lilly yawned "Night daddy."

I turned off her lamp turning on the night light then walked out..I walked downstairs "Meli?"


I walked in seeing her dressed in shorts and my old college shirt folding laundry...I leaned against the doorway "So Lilly thinks I'm replacing her with Katlyn.."

Meli stopped looking at me "What why?"

I sighed "Because we travel with Katlyn..."

She sighed "I.."

I shook my head "I don't want to say its Tessa but someone has to be putting this in her head.."

Meli sighed "I don't want her to feel like we're pushing her out.."

I sighed "I know baby...I'm gonna talk to Tessa and find out whats going on.."

She nodded "Okay.."

I walked over kissing her forehead "Don't worry about it...everything is going to be okay."

Meli nodded "I'm trying babe...dealing with my own daughter is one think...she's 2...but Lilly is older she's used to you and Tessa...not me."

I shook my head "Lilly adores you.."

She nodded "I know."

I pressed a light kiss to her lips "Everything is gonna be okay."

Meli gave me a small smile.."Think you can handle Katlyn for a few hours?"

I nodded "Sure why?"

She sighed "I was thinking since tomorrow they have half a day I may take her out for the after just me and her."

I smiled "She'll like that...I'll let Tessa know.."

Meli smiled "Okay."

I gave her a light kiss "Forget these I'll finish them tomorrow come to bed with me."

She shook her head "I have just one more load."

I shook my head "Can I just hold my fiancé."

Meli laughed softly "So needy.."

I nodded "I'm not ashamed.."

She closed the dryer "Okay fine.."

I laughed "Come on."

Meli shook her head and followed me out "Come on slow poke."

I shook my head and followed her we layed in bed I Nuzzled the back of her neck "I love you."

She mumbled softly "I love you too..."

I pressed a kiss to her shoulder "Goodnight."

Meli yawned "Night."

I smiled to myself and slowly drifted off holding my soon to be wife

Author's Note

Who is filling Lilly's head?

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