"Are you alright love?" A thick british accent asks.

I quickly turn around and see a man, with a hook for a right hand, and a stubble for a beard.

"Who are you?" I ask standing up.

"The names Hook, Captian Hook of the Jolly Roger, and who might you be?" He asks.

"I can't remember" I say quietly.

"Thats to bad..." He says walking over to me.

"Do you know anything...about magic?" I ask.

"What I do know is Pan has a bloody lot of it...you wouldn't wanna cross him" Hooks says with a sigh.

"And if you do cross him?" I ask, scared out of my mind.

"Well then you have a death wish Love" He says sadly.

"Oh Princess!" I hear someone shout.

"That'll be Pan" Hook says quickly.

"He's looking for me..." I say my body trembling.

"You can't show fear around him, he'll use that against you...and don't worry, if you need me i'll be out there" Hook says pointing to his ship.

"There you are, what are you doing with the pirate?" Peter asks doing his weird eyebrow thing and pointing towards Hook.

"Well Pan, you see I stumbled upon her while I was gathering some food from the island" Hook says guesturing towards me.

"Well, carry on pirate, I need to teach the Princess here a few manners." Pan says putting an arm around my waist.

In an instant Hook dissappeared and me and Peter were in the middle of the camp.

"Lads, the Princess here needs to be taught a lesson." Peter says. The boys cheer.

"For your insulince and neglet of the rules you'll be punished. But since I'm in a good mood today I'll let you choose. Either we have a sword fight, or you give me my satisfaction in bed tonight" He says. It takes everything in me not to start laughing.

"Option 1" I say with a sigh.

"You sound dissappointed. If you wanna be an over achiever you can take both options" Peter says with a wink.

"I'll just stick with the one" I say taking the sword Owen handed me.

"Whenever your ready" Pan says with a yawn.

I imediately start the fight. Pan appears somewhat bored but I try my best. Then...it all comes back to me...at least my memories of sword fighting...of father teaching me.

Almost like a switch going off in my brain...I start to really fight. Peter seems shocked and starts fighting harder. I start going harder, our blades moving at incrediable speeds.

Finally, I pin him against the tree, blade against his throat.

"You've got fire...I like fire" He says grinning at me.

"Since I win...I want a reward" I said keeping him pinned against the tree.

"Perhaps you don't remember, this was your punishment, your reward is getting to live" He says as if it was obvious.

"How about a reward for not killing you right here and now?" I threaten.

"You couldn't kill me even if you wanted to" He whispers.

"Oh yeah? And why wouldn't I?" I ask pressing the blade harder to his throat.

"Because, unlike you, I can control my magic...which makes me much more powerful then you, and besides, you like me too much to kill me" He says smirking.

28 Years in NeverlandWhere stories live. Discover now