"What happened to you?" She asked me quickly in a hushed tone her eyes darting to the kitchen every so often.

"H-He hit me and then he choked me and I-I tried to run but the dog-" I started to sob again my words becoming inaudible as I tried to finish the story about what happened to me.

"You can do it, Riley." She encouraged and I nodded wiping the tears off of my face being gentle so I wouldn't hurt myself anymore.

"The dog attacked me and my leg wouldn't stop bleeding but Cody put something in my thigh and I passed out. Then I woke up and here I am now." I said looking over at the kitchen where my eyes met Cody's making me jump slightly as he glared at me. I quickly looked away and over at Camila who just stared at me her eyes filled with sadness. "What about you?"

"He beat me but I made the mistake of fighting back, so he did this." She pulled her arm up and my eyes widened at the giant gash that ran down her arm the bruises surrounding it making me shiver.


"Did I say you two could talk?" Cody asked harshly walking back into the dining room setting a plate down in front of me one in front of Camila.

"No, I'm sorry I started talking and Riley told me to stop but-"

"Stop the bullshit, you both were talking to each other I'm not stupid." He snapped and I looked down at the small peanut butter and jelly sandwich and mini water bottle that were both sitting on the small plate in front of me. "Eat your damn sandwiches and then I'm locking you back up in your rooms."

"I'm allergic to peanut butter and grapes and gluten." Camila rattled off lifting her eyes up to Cody's the two glaring at each other. I took a large bite of the sandwich wanting to eat quickly and get away from the presence and awkwardness of Cody and Camila.

"Okay, sure you are, eat the sandwich or eat nothing and die of starvation." He demanded crossing his arms over his chest as he continued to glare at Camila.

"Fine, I will." She responded crossing her own arms over her chest. I watched as the two sat glaring at each other the peanut butter sticking to the roof of my mouth as I tried to eat silently.

"I will kill you, do you not get that!?" He screamed causing me to jump slightly my knees smacking the table both of their stares looking over at me.


"Why do you eat so slow?!" He screamed at me and I stared at him my eyes wide because I didn't know what to say.

"Why do you always yell?!" Camila screamed back at him and Cody stood up pulling a gun out of the waistband of his pants and pointing it at her.

"I am going to kill you, do you not get that?" He said lowly and slowly the gun close to Camila's face as she showed no sign of fear or backing down.

"No, can you repeat it, I'm not used to you not yelling." She said her voice staying calm although a gun was pointed directly at her face. I watched Cody's fingers grip the handle to the gun tighter his jaw clenching. I grabbed the mini water bottle and opened it the small pop seeming to be louder in the now silent atmosphere.

"Apologize and maybe I won't shoot you." He broke the silence as Camila just laughed licking her lips slowly before she shrugged.

"Shoot me, please do." She smiled as I nervously started to chug the water letting it soothe my dry throat.

"I'm not dealing with this anymore I'm killing both of you in two days when I get help so I can get rid of you easier and quicker." He said the frustration in his voice turning to satisfaction as I started to choke on the water I was drinking midway through his sentence.

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