Chapter 3

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A castle! Oh my gosh its a castle! A god damned castle!

"Mom! Oh my gosh this is so cool! Mom come here! Mom!!!" I jumped excitedly. Am I the first to discover this? I hope so! I'll be known as the girl who discovered the castle!

"Milan! Oh baby are you alright?" Mom asked worriedly while checking me up to down. I giggled and nodded my head. Tossing the camera to her I told her to look at the castle. A whole minute passed and she still hadn't uttered a single word.

"Mom?" I asked softly and placed a hand on her shoulder. She's never been so tense. What could get her so worked up?

"Milan..." she looked at me with fearful eyes as the tears began gathering in them. Oh shit, this is bad. I nodded and pulled her in for a hug and rubbed her back soothingly. She's my mother, I'm not afraid to show affection towards her.

"Mom, whats wrong? Why are you crying? I'm sorry if I hurt you unknowingly or.." she sniffed and smiled sadly. "No child, its just that its time. You've become so big! Just remember that whatever happens, always happens for a good reason" she kissed my head and walked out leaving me confused.

Whatever happens, always happens for a good reason.. Tears welled up in my eyes and I began bawling. "Who is it?! Why cant you just tell me who you are! Please leave me alone..I-I beg you" I whispered the last part to myself. Whats happening to me? Why cant I go back to being that same carefree girl that I was before today?

I swear mom and her crazy dreams of getting me married at this age is driving me insane! I can hear noises, I can see things that no one else sees and feel a presence next to me even when there's no one. I'm Milan, I'm not mad.

I'm Milan, I'm not mad.

I'm Milan, I'm not mad.

I'm Milan, I'm not mad

I'm mad, I'm not Milan. The voice snickered making anger bubble up inside of me.

"Who are you?" I asked argrily.

Your soul, dear. You'll know in time. The voice replied.

Yeah and I'm Zac Effron's future wife. I rolled my eyes.


*knock* *knock* *knock* "Mom!" *knock* *knock* *knock* "Mom!" *knock* *knock* *knock*"Mom!" I yelled in Sheldon Cooper style.

Within seconds she came rushing out with her robe on and stared at me blankly. "Did you..uh..have a dream?" she asked nervously.

"What the hell? No mom, I knocked cause I want answers from you! Why can I see that castle when you clearly couldn't! Why am I able to hear and see things which are impossible?! I need to know, mom. I'm grown up now- I can handle stuff on my own."

"Milan, calm down young lady. You have to stay calm and listen to me, okay?"

So here I am, sitting on my bed with Roe(my favourite teddy) on my lap and mom standing near the window and looking at the starry sky. "You may know the legend of Alexander and Carol... the beastly legend known to only few of the mundanes" she spoke, still looking out of the window.


"Human, the human world is called the mundane. Back to the story, Alexander was King of the biggest kingdom known to mankind, The Glorious Wolves. The King never left the palace from the time of his birth. Whoever or whatever he wanted to see would be taken to him under any circumstances- dead or alive. All they knew was not to mess with him."

"How did he meet Carol,then?" I asked impatiently. Don't judge..I'm a sucker for romance stories.

"Patience Milan, that attitude will get you no where. Alexander lived alone in the castle except for his old mother, the slaves that worked for him and his mistresses that would visit often. His mothers dying wish was for him to marry her husbands niece, Elize."

Eww I would never marry my cousin.

She took a deep breath and continued, "Naturally, the bride and her family went to Alexanders castle along with two of the maids of Elize. He would meet Elize for supper every day but didn't feel one ounce of love towards her. His mother passed away, he called off his wedding via a messenger. Elize sought to take revenge and sent Caroline as a mistress to him and poison him."

"Oh my gosh! Did she do it? That heartless bitch killed him?" I gasped. What happened to love being beautiful and kind?

"She did give him the poison but it didn't work on him. They spent a lot of time with each other and eventually fell in love. But for Caroline, loyalty came before love. When the King learned of her plan, he locked her in the dungeon and vowed to never let her go. He loved her in a pathetic way which shattered his heart when he learned of her true intention."

"You see those stars out there? It is said that those stars are the pieces of his broken heart that are bound to the moon that is believed to be Caroline. On the day of the full moon, strange things happened in the castle. King Alexander began growing fur and canines. Every bone in his body broke only to be reformed. Out of fear, every person in the palace ran away promising themselves never to look at the beast again. Except for poor Caroline who had no route of escape. As she was sleeping, the door to her cell opened and in came a monster on four legs. Before she had time to process what was happening she had an attack. She couldn't breathe. The beast panicked and in a spur of the moment sunk its canines in her flesh."

Where is this story going?

"He killed her. Alexander killed the only woman he was ever capable of loving. He took her to his room and in guilt, set it on fire killing himself along with the already dead love of his life. It is said that the smoke still hasn't stopped. It is said to be haunted with the spirits of the two lovers. Years later another King came and took over the kingdom as well as the castle. He locked it and never interfered with the room. The kingdom prospered during his reign and everything was fine until he was tempted to open the door."

How fucking cliché. Their spirits must have killed him...

"Some say he found a beautiful girl in the room who he had children with and their children and their future generations had the same power and the King.. The power of a wolf. Their kind is what is known as a werewolf to all. Werewolves are real Milan, each of them have soul mates just like King Alexander had Carol."

"Th-They're real? Thats not possible mom. The world is advanced, we all would have been aware if that were true. Did you maybe hit your head a few days ago or something?"

"Milan, I'm your mother I have seen the world more than you have. You have to know this Milan, its your future that is at stake. According to my knowledge, the fact that you could see a castle that is millions of miles away means that you are different. You seen the castle of Alexander Milan, this is no joke."

"Does a K-King still rule the place? Is he a beast,too? Mom I'm scared! I'm invisible, I've always been invisible to supernatural stuff so why me?" I teared up.

"The King goes by the name Elliot Gabriel, Milan." she finally looked at me. She was as down as I was.

"You're getting me married to a beast?!" I shrieked. What the hell, I'm not going to live in a fucking haunted castle.

"A Lycan Milan, not a werewolf" she corrected.

Oh, fuck the world!


Emma Watson as Eleanor Gabriel.🙈

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