Chapter 2

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a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

The blue one or the red? According to me the black is better. But that would be like I don't have a single care in the world but dad says its important. Not that I actually care about what he says or does but one thing matters to me the most.

The Royal Throne.

Normally, a prince takes up his throne at 18 but dad said that he could rule better than me. My view on that? Bullshit. Focus, Elliot focus. It will just be another of those clingy girls with mini dresses sticking to them like a second skin. She wont be your mate.

My annoying twin Eleanor walked in with a scowl on her face making me smirk. "What the fuck Elliot?! YOU FROZE MY BANK ACCOUNT?!" Slamming her hand down on my desk she began throwing all the files around the places. Ellie flung the two chairs in front of my desk across my office and went to the mini fridge and tried picking it up.

This is why girls shouldnt diet.

"Need some help?" I chuckled making her growl at me in warning and curse under her breath. "Don't curse, little sis. I don't want my nephew or niece to be like your darling mate" mate that is good for nothing.

"Har,har har. You still have a horrible sense of humour. The pack members only laugh because they're scared of you,Elliot. You should lighten up a bit. I promise you, your mate will come and change your life completely. I mean look at me! After I met my mate my life changed. As much as I hate to admit it I was a whore but he changed me" she smiled slightly.

"Whatever little sister, get out of my office now" I knew my mood went from bad to worse when she spoke about my mate. No one has the right to tell me when I'll get her. But when I do, she isn't leaving my side even for a second. Bad enough she's late.

"Fine! I'm leaving but better unfreeze my account or I'll have your balls for sure. Poor little mate will have to go to someone else to get fucked" she teased. Within the blink of an eye she was out of my office and I slammed the door on her face. Who does she think she is?!


If she wasn't a woman, my hand would be wrapped around her pretty little neck as she gasped for air. Sibling or not.

"Your Majesty, rogues have been sighted near the border of the Blood Bound Pack for nearly a week now.  The Alpha has requested that you look into the matter." Simply nodding at the warrior I continued going through the file while he kept telling me the whereabouts of my people.

"Sir, King Lancaster's messenger is here, if you would please" Shutting my file, I spoke. "You may enter" in the royal voice. Vampire King Adrian Lancaster and I have been friends for a few years now. It wasn't exactly a great start of friendship between us but thankfully it improved and made things better between us. He's basically the closest thing I have to a best friend. Although my two younger brothers consider themselves to be good pals of mine.


The huge glass door to my office opened and in came Lancaster's messenger, Dimitri. "Hello, your Majesty" he did a curt bow before removing a scroll from the pocket of his leather jacket and cleared his throat.

"Vampire King Adrian Lancaster has announced a Royal Ball which will be held in order to find his beloved. The King has requested the presence of his acquaintance The Great Alpha King Elliot Gabriel to the ball. 'It would be an honour to have you here,friend. See you soon' says King Lancaster" Pleased with the message I nod my head and hear him let out a sigh of relief making me chuckle. People fear me and I take great pride in that. A King should be cold and heartless, like me. Not a pussy when he finds his mate that will follow her around like a lost puppy. She's a werewolf, she'll obviously be able to handle her own shit.

"I will have my secretary give you further details, Dimitri. You both may leave"

"But s-

"I SAID LEAVE!" I growled at the warrior. Who does he think he is to back answer me?! I'm his King..not his friend.

"Y-Yes your Majesty. Have a splendid day" he ran out of my office with Dimitri hot on his tail. Stupid low class members.


The one thing that I actually look forward to in this crazy life of mine. People would think that I've got all I want and need. Clothes, shoes, money, palaces all over the world, cruises, limo's and the best of the best. But I've been taught differently by mother. She always told me to find happiness in small things like the morning sun, the birds chirping and the way the trees sway from one side to another.

I never got the point of PDA either. Tattooing their mates name on their body. Tattoos are stupid signs which are a reminder of a person you love. If you really treasure that person you wont need a tattoo to remember. I mean look at my skin, its flawless.

How could a man be willing to have something previous that can destroy him within the flick of his fingers? I don't want a weakness, I want a woman that makes me stronger that can even manage to destroy me on her own. Someone whose demons play well with mine.

Sighing, I shut my laptop and and closed my eyes and leaned on my $1000 leather chair. I'm fucking rich but I feel incomplete every single moment of my life. Just as I was falling asleep a loud booming noise came from the ballroom soon followed by music blasting through the speakers. The downfall of being a werewolf...

Growling at the loud noise being created in my own god damn castle I stormed into the ballroom with my were-speed. There were people dancing like maniacs and half naked girls jumping like they just ran out of a mental asylum. I growled when I seen couples making out and immediately everyone turned around and bowed.

'You're jealous' my wolf teased.

Ignoring him and his bitchy comments I blocked him out. He loves gossiping about all that girly shit. He's all about finding one true love and a kiss of eternity and making love instead of fucking.

The music didn't stop. They still had the guts to play the fucking music while their King was standing in front of them.

"Who the fuck did this?" I growled. No one and I mean no one has the right to throw a party in my castle without seeking my permission. Just as I was mind-linking the Royal Beta I spotted a group of people surrounding something.

"SHOW YOUR FACE TO ME YOU COWARD!" My wolf growled. Immediately everyone made way for the person in the centre who had held all their attention.

I groaned inwardly when I seen that familiar hazel eyed idiot grinning at me.

"Hello, brother."

"Ethan, such a pleasant surprise" I smiled and hugged him when he practically jumped in my arms like the typical mommy's princess that he is.

This,everyone, is Prince Ethan Romano Gabriel. My younger brother. Physical age 21- Mental age 12.


Ansel Elgort as Prince Ethan.

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