"Trust me, I never would have let you go and if some how you had managed to leave, I would have gone after you."

"You would have?"

"Absolutely." I say as I pull her closer to my chest. "I'm just so sorry that I didn't realized something was up. I never trusted her and I knew she blamed you for me not loving her. I should have known she would go after you in some way. I feel so stupid that I didn't figure it out and because of that we lost so much time together."

"Hunter, it's okay. Please, stop feeling guilty. I was the one who believed her lies and was too proud to discuss anything with you. I took her at her word. So if there is anyone to blame it's me."

"You know what, we need to stop this. It's no one's fault but Kelly's. The only thing that we should remember from this whole incident is that we need to trust in our love for each other and if we have any concerns we NEED to talk about them."

"You're exactly right."

"Of course I am." I say in an attempt to lighten the mood.

She giggles. "So would you like another drink of champagne?"

"Are you trying to get me drunk, so you can take advantage of me, Miss Deans?"

"Maybe." She smirks.

"Okay, well then who am I to fight that.

She sits up and pours me another glass. When she hands it to me, I take a sip and then place it on the end table next to me. "You do know, all I need to do is kiss you and I become light headed. I don't need any alcohol to give me a buzz. You can do that all by yourself."

She blushes. "Really?"

"Yes, really." I say as I sit up straighter and remove my feet from the coffee table and put them on the floor. "Why don't you come over here and I can prove it to you."

She doesn't hesitate, before moving over and placing one knee on each side of my lap. I rest my hands on her hips and get lost in her alluring sable colored eyes. Her hands lay on my shoulders lightly tracing small circles, which sends shivers through my whole body.

When I see her bite her bottom lip, I lose control and crash my lips to hers. She kisses me back with such passion that my head starts spinning. As the kiss deepens she slides her fingers into my hair, causing a groan to escape from somewhere deep in my throat.

I pull her closer, wanting, no needing to feel every inch of her against my body. When my hands slip under her shirt, to caress her back, I pause waiting for some sign from her that she is comfortable with what I'm doing.

 She pulls away for a split second, allowing both of us to catch our breath. She smiles and nods her head telling me without words that she's pleased with the feel of my hands on her bare skin.

As I run my callused fingers along her spine I can hear her breath catch. Her skin is so smooth and sensitive to even the slightest touch. When I feel goosebumps on her I can't help but smile to myself because I know that I can drive her as wild as she does me.

Just like I told her. I don't need alcohol to get drunk. All I need is her and I have a feeling she's figuring out the same thing.


The next day

Valentines Day

Liddy's POV

I awake alone in my bed, 40 minutes before my alarm is suppose to go off. I wish I could roll over and go back to sleep but I know I can't. I have too much on my mind and it all has to do with Hunter.

Single Dad "Starting Over"(Hunter Hayes Fanfic)...CompletedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang