"It's starting!" Louis yelled for both Zayn and I. I made my way back to where he and Zayn were sitting, setting up towels all around them. Louis patted the spot on the floor between him and Zayn, communicating for me to take my seat there.

"Do I have to sit in the middle?" I asked uncomfortably as I fiddled with my fingers. I didn't want to be stuck in the spotlight and have a lot of attention on me.

"Yes, you're the girl," Lou answered, as if that alone explained everything. I shook my head, letting out a chuckle as I took a seat. "Alright, it's starting."

"Hello!" Zayn and Louis yelled at the same time as the camera started rolling and the comments of the viewers started to roll in. I just waved as I put a small smile on my face. 

What if they didn't want me to be here? What if I was annoying, and they hated me?

"So, it's been a while since we did a twit cam, but we got bored and decided to pass the time." Lou explained to the fans. I couldn't help but glance over the the comments that kept coming in.




Their comments made me laugh. One Direction truly had the craziest fans out there.

"Suzy-underscore-troller says, 'oh my God, Katie is with them. Completely freaking out because she's just so cute!'" Zayn read out in a voice that resembled of a fifteen year old girl. I blushed at her complement, looking down at my hands. "Awe! Look Suzy! You made her blush!" Zayn exclaimed, pinching my cheeks as he shook my head from side to side. I pushed his hands away, letting out an embarrassed giggle.

"Zayn, stop it!" I scolded, moving further away from him and closer to Louis.

"Anyway, so we thought it would be fun to play a game of Innuendo Bingo!" Louis yelled, flailing his arms in the air to express his excitement. All of the fans went crazy commenting words of encouragement. "Send in links to the funniest Innuendo phrases and we'll use them!" As the fans started sending links, many of the others where asking where the other boys were.

"The other boys aren't home right now," I said answering their questions. "They're at the gym, attempting to get fit," I joked. Both Lou and Zayn barked out a fit of laughter at that.

"Okay, I think we got enough links," Lou said as he opened some links in new tabs, letting them load. "Now the rules. Most of you already know, but little Katie here," he said, pinching my cheek just as Zayn had done, "has never even heard of the game. Zayn, why don't you explain? You've played it on Radio One before."

"Okay, so basically, we're all gonna fill our mouths with water and sit facing each other. Then we'll play a clip of someone saying something that can be taken as a something dirty. The person who can hold their water in the longest wins that round," Zayn explained.


"Wait, what happens if you can't keep the water in?" I asked.

"Then you spit it all over us," Lou exclaimed as he laughed at my expression. "Just feel free to unleash the Katie Wrath." I shoved him in the shoulder, causing him to fall onto the floor.

"Alright, this sounds like fun. Let's play!" I said excitedly. I had no doubt that this little twit cam would make headlines. It would probably be trending on Twitter soon, if not already. And don't even get me started on all of the gifs that would be made and put on Tumblr.

We all got into our positions so that we were facing each other, but also still in view of the camera.

"Okay, are we ready?" I asked the boys and the rest of the fans that were tuned in. They nodded their heads. "Lou, play the first clip."

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