Chapter 15

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I woke up in Terry's arms, and across from us I had to blink a few times to confirm what I thought I saw.

Across from Terry and I, was me. Just sitting there, laughing and laughing.

Wait.. what day is it?

"Terry..? What day is it?", I asked.

He smiled down at me.

"You're awake! Meadows here!", he exclaimed.

I gasped.

I got out of Terry's embrace and ran to Meadow.

"HEY!! OH MY GOSH! I totally forgot you were coming today", I yelled.

She got up.

"JASMINE! I missed you like crazy!!", she yelled, and we hugged.

After we sat down, I took Terry's hand.

"So, where's Mike?", she asked, still smiling like crazy.

"I think he's at the grocery store", I said.

She laughed.

"Of course he is", she said.

Terry looked at me puzzled, and I explained.

"Mike is OBSESSED with Kmart. Why? Because of that hot checkout lady", I said, laughing.

Terry's face lit up.

"The cute blonde one?", he asked, getting excited.

That earned a smack on the head with a pillow from me.

Meadow smirked, and Terry laughed.

I crossed my arms.

Meadow laughed even harder, and Terry took that as a cue to stop.

I grinned and took his hand.

"Well, nothing's changed since the last time I was here", Meadow said.

Terry and I laughed.

The door opened.

"I'M HOME!!", yelled a voice of a soon-to-be college boy.

"MIKE!!!", Meadow yelled, and jumped into his arms. He spun her around as she laughed, and I frowned.

Terry took my hand and squeezed it, knowing what was wrong:

It was a Christmas party. I was 14, Terry was 15, and Meadow was 13. Mike was 16 years old.

We were all playing monkey in the middle. I threw the ball, and it easily flew over Meadows short head. Mike threw it back, and it flew over her head. Terry had a broken arm, so he was the judge. We kept throwing it back and fourth. Meadows eyes became watery. I laughed, and so did Mike.

Soon she was jumping at full height trying to get the ball, but she couldn't. Me and Mike taunted her and made fun of her.

Soon Mike realized we should stop. I freaked a little. I remember him telling me that we were hurting Meadow, who was now crying. I yelled back how it was a game. It was supposed to be like that. I said some nasty things shout Meadow. She ran to Mike and hugged him, still crying.

Mike got so "sick of my shit", that he reached out and punched me. Hard. Right in the face. I swore I heard a giggle from Meadow. I fell backwards, an luckily Terry caught me. Terry used his broken arm to beat Mike up, while Meadow and I cried on the side. They got into a huge fight.

Soon afterwards the parents stopped us, and ever since then Mike treats Meadow like a little sister. I forgave Meadow, because she didn't do anything too wrong. Mike though, Nope. I try to act as if nothing happened, but it did.

I remembered running out of the house, Mike following me and pleading me to forgive him.

I got a broken nose.

"Hey, Jasmine", said a voice.

I realized that everybody was staring at me.

"Oh, sorry", I muttered. "Hey, Mike".

He grinned and resumed with Meadow, saying things like "Wow, Meadow! You're so pretty! How many guys do I have to beat up for you?!" And "you've gotten tall enough to be a model"!

I rolled my eyes, and Terry gave me a knowing look.

Mike and Terry haven't been friendly since then.

Mike always told me to avoid him, but I wouldn't do that. Terry was the only one who stuck with me.

I just hoped it would stay that way.

What would Terry do if he knew that his girlfriend was a cold-blooded murderer?


I sat on Terry's lap for more warmth, even though the fire was burning in front of us.

Meadow and Mike were on the other side in separate chairs, thank god.

We were all casually talking, like 4 school friends.

"So, have you guys heard of the Elevator murders? It's in your area. I was shaking in my shoes on the flight here thinking of it", she asked.

"Oh my gosh, YES. It's so creepy", I said.

"I know. I hate living here because of it", Mike said.

I rolled my eyes, and Mike noticed. He glared at me.

"Are you okay, Terry? I heard what happened to you", Meadow asked.

"I'm okay, I guess. It was a really freaky experience", he said, paling but smiling at her.

She gave a tight smile back.

I sighed.

"I'm kinda hungry", Mike started, "Which is why I bought Meadows favorite..."

Meadow started to smile.


Meadow screamed and jumped up and down.

Uhmm, yeah. That's not spoiled at ALL. Note the sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Every time Meadow comes we have chocolate marshmallows- brown marshmallows basically, white chocolate Hershey's bars, and graham crackers for some unique s'mores.

They're actually really good. I'm just always kind of hurt when he doesn't get my favorite.

Soon we were all sitting around the campfire making s'mores and singing campfire songs.



I kept burning my mash mellows, so Terry did that awesome 'Ill guide your arms to help you' thing. Heh heh.

We finally all had 5 s'mores on each if our plates. We stuffed our faces and laughed like maniacs.

I smiled. I hope this doesn't end. I'm not lying when I say I totally regret the crimes I committed. Because of them, one day I can end up behind bars.

Just sitting there, alone. I won't be holding onto my boyfriend, laughing with my cousin, or fighting with my brother.

I wiped a small tear. I really hoped that would never happen.

The question is, how will I live with myself if it doesn't?

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