Chapter 21

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         I woke up to the sunlight leaking through the bright red curtains of my bedroom. I squinted, not used to the light yet. Ugh. Why is getting out of bed so hard? I yawned, then put my feet, one by one on the cold hardwood floor. My dad got my bedroom carpet replaced by hardwood last week. He told me it would be 'easier', and that less bugs would come.

Yeah right. Tell that to my now freezing room and a billion spider webs in every corner.

"Hey hey, you you, I don't like your girlfriend, no way, no way, I think you need a new one. Hey hey, you you, I want to be your girlfriend", I sang as I walked down the hall and and down the stairs. I was greeted by a slap-happy Mike.

"Goodmorning, Jasseh!", he slurred.

Oh my.

"Mike... did you happen to have any sugar, in the past hour? Mentos specificlly?", I asked, worried for his sake and mine. You see, whenever he eats Mentos, he gets a sugar high or something- I don't even know what it is. They make him crazy. He even slurrs- yes- he freakin slurrs his words! At first I thought it was just fake, but nope- every single time. You can tell its honest. One time he had a job interview, and he had eaten a few Mentos before hand. A few doesnt do much- it just rises his sarcasm a bit and makes him stutter and laugh at almost everything. But the problem is, once he has a few, he can't stop. He gets full on crazy. Lets just say he didn't get that job.

I don't think this is one of those times. He just seems a bit Mento-tipsy.

"Hey, Mike. I'm actually gonna go get  ready, okay?", I used my wording carefully, not wanting to some how offend him and not know it. He just gave me a loopy smile and continued trying to put earrings on. Oh Mike.

I got dressed, and decided to stop by at Adrian's house. I wanted to apologise to them about what happened. Not directly, of course. They didn't know that I was the killer. Nobody could know that. After all, I was forced, after all. It's not like I wanted to do it.

I tied the ribbon on the gift basket, and made sure nothing fell out. I added Sunflowers, M&M's, pretzels, chocolate covered strawberries, and a pink teddy bear. Attatched to the light brown gift basket was a Baby Blue ribbon that said 'I am sorry for your loss'. I sighed, picked up the basket, and left.

Just as I was about to drive out, I re-applied my pink lipstick and fixed my bangs. I wanted to make a good first impression to Adrian's family- not that it mattered. I wouldn't be seeing them much, anyway.



The front door slammed behind me, as I stumbled a bit from the push. Wow, that was a bad first impression. I ended up getting kicked out from the Greyins house, obviously. Turns out Miss Greyins was severely allergic to the Sunflowers I put in the gift basket, and she had an allergic reaction and had to go to the hospitol. Mr.Greyins was losing his temper, but he understod that I didn't mean it. It went even more down hill when I ate too much of his 'famous poundcake'. I see why it's famous. It was absolutely delicious. I guess I ate one piece, then kept going. At 4 he was frowing at me. At 6 he was clutching his fork and knife a little too hard for my liking. Eventually when I gulfed down 3 glasses of Chocolate milk and almost finished his precious dohnut-bites he was so close to bursting- the final poke was when I accidentaly spit milk on his face. He literally dragged me out of the house, me countlessly yelling 'but Mr. Greyins! but Mr. Greyins!'

And here I am, on the front porch, holding the Sunflowers like a rejected date.

That went well.

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