CHAPTER 47: Favor

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I wondered around to find Karen and her company but this place is huge. Thus, it is hard to see them. I looked to my right and there was a guy who's checking on me. His smile made me terrified so I walked faster to the other direction.

"Ooop! Sorry. I didn't mean to..." I bumped on someone. She narrowed her eyes and cut me off.

"Watch where you're going. You're not blind right?" she sassed. I know she's beautiful but why in the world she has that wicked attitude.

"I'm really sorry." I tried to be calm and sincere.

"Whatever! You should be careful every time." She said rudely and rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Then I walked passed her and let out an exasperated sigh. She really has that attitude which pissed me off. However, after a few seconds of searching, I already found Karen inside a private room with Niall and Harry. It's like a room for special guest, something like that.

"Good evening guys." I greeted.

"Evening" they answered in unison.

"You're so beautiful tonight." Niall complimented.


"Hey guys," a girl's voice squealed from behind me. I turned around to take a look if who would it be.

I cannot believe of whom I saw. It was her, the girl I bumped with lately.

"So it's you." I blurted out and Harry looked at me.

"You already know each other?" Karen asked. Her face was full of curiosity.

"Actually,n..." I was about to say 'no' but she cut me off again.

"She was kind of lost lately so I accompanied her." The girl lied.

"What?" I gushed. That girl was really a great pretender and a liar.

"Right...urhm...?" she's trying to figure out my name.

"Stacey is her name." Harry injected.

"Oh yeah, I know. I forgot. Right Stacey?" she asked again. Then she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"I don't know." I said without an interest to my voice and I removed her arm from my shoulder.

She sat beside Harry and kissed him on his cheeks. So what's the plan liar?? My mind sassed.

"Oh, she's Kendall Jenner." Harry introduced and Kendall smiled like a puppy. So that's her name eh. I faked a smile and sighed.

"Nice to meet you Ken-dall." I don't want to look so rude, so yeah. I acted to be nice, "urhm... you seems so happy tonight."

"Yeah, cause Harry is here." Kendall answered and kissed Harry on his cheeks again.

"I see." I said roughly.

"Have a seat." Harry offered but I refused and looked into his eyes.

"No thanks. You seem enjoying the moment. So yeah." I blurted out. Karen and Niall furrowed their eyebrows and gazed at me. "I mean, I can't stay any longer because Dad asked me to join him in their company party tonight. I just dropped by to meet the new girl." I lied. Again. These days, I often lied and it's not a good sign.

Before, I was hurt because someone lied to me. But now, I'm starting to become a liar. I admit, I'm just pushing Harry away because that's what I only know on how to move on. Do you have any suggestion? Please help me.

My heart pounded at the sight of the sweetness between Kendall and Harry.

"So, that's it. I have to go." I felt my tears were forming so I turned around. A tear fell down my cheek. I wiped it quickly went out the building, climbed in the car and hit the road on my way home.

You may say that I'm too stupid living Harry there with Kendall who flirted him lately. Okay, let us say that I stayed there, will I feel comfortable? No. so it's better to leave them than to crash myself little by little.

When we got home, I quickly went to my room and sobbed. Is this really what they call 'love'? that you're always gonna be hurt and torn? Why? Where's justice?

I sat on the corner of my bed and cried it all out.

After few seconds, my phone rang so I grabbed my purse to get my phone.

'1 MESSAGE: KAREN BFF' displayed on the screen. I clicked 'read' and this is what she said. "hey Stacey, are you alright? I feel so worried about you. I'll talk to you later."

Then I replied, "I'm fine. There's nothing to talk about Karen. Just enjoy the night.


It was almost midnight when Karen got home.

"You cried?" she cupped her hands on my cheeks.

"yeah." I whispered.

"Why? Are you alright?" she asked concernly and hugged me so tightly.

"I just missed my mom a lot." I lied. Again. You already know why I cried right?

"I know. I'm sorry." She smiled weakly. "You know, someone would like to talk to you." Karen stated.

I stared at her, "who?"

"Harry." Karen shrugged. "He's outside the gate."

"I don't want to talk to him." I sassed.

"oh my Stacey! He exerted some effort just to be here just to talk to you. Why you gotta be so rude?" Karen sternly said.

"Fine." I threw my hands up in the air and sighed.


Whenever I step forward, thinking that I'm getting closer to the gate, my chest pounded and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered. What would he want now?

I stopped walking for a while before opening the gate. I took a deep breath and unlocked it.

Harry was standing in front of the gate. Leaving half a meter between us. I got speechless when he wrapped his arms around me and cried. I removed his arms and looked down.

"Harry, can you do me a favor?" my voice cracked.

"sure" he sniffed.

"Please, erase me number in your phone. Don't call me up or even text me. Let just act that we don't met each other. That's it. Thank you." Harry's facial expression was dead. And my tears stream down my face.

"I'm sorry." I whispered then I closed the gate and lock it. There, I began to sobbed even more.


A/N 1Dizarie

Woooh!! after a month, I managed myself to update a chapter..

How are you?

How's this chapter for you?

Is this the end of HACEY? or the start for Hendall?

let me know..thanks,,xoxo

STYLES in Disguise *slow editing*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora