Chapter 19

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All over the door was photos of Phil.

"Wh- who's locker is this?" I ask, anger, sadness, jealousy and fright flood throughout my body as I glance from the locker photos to the man the photos were of.

"Kris O'Hannah" Louise said as she took the fullest can of spray paint from Luke's bag. She tried to move past me and Phil but I pushed back and started taking the photos off the doors. 

"What are you doing? We are supposed to destroying everything they have. If we leave the pictures then it will hurt him more" Carrie said pointing the light at the locker mildly angrily. 

"Do you not find it odd that this guy threat bully's all of us has photos of Phil in his locker? No to mention he must have taken this himself because half of these have my arm in them, look!" I said passing a photo where you can see I'm next to him. Carrie walked over to Phil to look too and she glanced up at me before continuing what she was saying while I turned back to the locker and looking through everything.

"Who cares, Dan? I'm sure you have twice as many photos of Phil is your locker, why do you need these ones?" Carrie said pointing the flash light back into the locker. I stood up with a pile quite thick of photos of Phil and turned around to look Carrie dead in the eye.

"Phil is my boyfriend. Not Kris's. Even Louise said Kris is the most likely to be the gay guy in the group. I love Phil and I don't appreciate Kris looking like he feels the same" I half whispered.

"Dan," Phil said taking my arm and tried to pull me away from the locker. I sighed and let him. I got all the photos I could see and that were under the books but my jealousy was burning inside me wanting to push Kris to the ground and knock him out. As much as I hate the 'you are mine and I am your's' thing, right now all I want to say is "Phil is mine and no one else can touch him". 

 Carrie and Louise took what little that was left of the spray paint and painted over the books and other belongings to Kris. Louise opened a text book to paint a line through the book. She opened the first page and looking over Luke's shoulder I could see a note that popped up pretty clearly the read "to Phil" in cursive and a heart. With that I threw myself at the locker before any paint was expelled and took the note from the textbook. I smacked Emma's light a little aggressively and opened the note, holding the tourch between my ear and shoulder. 

I opened the folded paper and and read the obnoxiously neat hand writing as my face started to turn red from anger. The note read:

Dear Phil.

I noticed you as soon as you walked into the room, you were like an angel in the wrong place.  I know you are probably straight and I don't know how you feel about gays but so I wrote this instead of saying it in person and getting punched in the nose. Not to mention my friends are oblivious to the fact that I'm gay and would most definitely kick me out of the group if they had known earlier but I want to tell them now and i know we have been pretty horrible to you and a couple of your friends but I think if we got together and came out to them, they would except and treat everyone equally. 

I'm just joking they would completely punch me in the face until my nose is broken. Haha

But Phil you are a beautiful person and I would love nothing more to be known as your boyfriend. And I know you probably have a girlfriend and think it is disturbing that I like you up but I had to tell you. 

~ Your only, Kris O'hannah

That's it. I want to kill him. I want to punch this dickhead in the face and stab him with my anger. I hate him. I he is dead. 

"Destroy the shit out of that locker, destroy everything in it, rip the books and do anything and everything to hurt him" I said looking up from the note with a face of anger. Carrie laughed and picked up the text books and started ripping out the pages and stuffing them back into the locker. Louise kept trying to get the last bit of all the paint cans out on to everything in the locker. 

Phil took the note from my hands and I let him. I stood like a statue as I watched the girls murder the locker. Like, Alex and Jake joined in with the ripping and Emma read the note after Phil. I felt Phil wrap his arms around me. I let out a deep breath trying to calm myself down and wrapped my arms around his waist. 

Phil and I stayed like that until the others had finished with the locker. Louise turned to me and gave the thumbs up. I sighed again and Phil pulled off me and gave me a sweet kiss that lasted a couple seconds before my lips were cold again. 

Emma lead the way to the cafeteria and unlocked the doors to the front doors of the school. We walked through as a group and covered our faces when we got out side as even though we are told the cameras don't work we have heard Mr Hanilog whispering things about the cameras being up and running again. 

Emma locked the door wen we were out and we walked out of camera view and to the front gates of the school to start our way to Luke's house. We ducked under the large tall fence and walked down the road. 

It wasn't that dark yet but the sun was definitely going down. I love it when it is late but the sun is still on the break. Phil and I walked at the back of the group and linked hands as we walked down the main road following Luke and Emma. Emma said she had been to Luke's house countless times even before they started dating so she was second to guiding the way. 

We walked down the main road for about fifteenth minutes before we turned right down into a small road with houses scattered on either side. TVs could be seen through some of the windows and some kids were playing in a yard on the other side of the road as we walked. 

We had another right turn and then we faced a house with Emma and Luke walking through the front door. Louise, Carrie, Alex, Jake, Phil and I followed them into a nice little front room with blue decoration and a door on either side of the room. Luke unlocked the door on the left reveling carpeted stairs. Emma went first as the rest of us followed with Luke last to close the door behind us. 

Phil and I jumped off the last step into a grey, yellow and blue room with two sofas, a bunk bed with a double on the bottom and a door with 'bathroom' nicely painted on it. Luke walked down behind us and said:

"Welcome to my under ground sex dungeon! I'm just kidding WELCOME!" He said running over and jumping onto a sofa. Louise asked where we were all sleeping and Luke and Emma both bolted to a - what looked to be a bedside table - that was next to a TV and pulled the top draw out. Luke stood up quickly with a pen and paper in his hands. 

"Well we need to get this done first, who is sleeping on the double bed?" Luke said and Phil and I glanced at each other and before we could even get a word out Louise and Carrie both said 'Dan and Phil on the double!' so Phil and I shrugged and looked back to Luke with half smiles. 

Luke wrote it down on the paper and pointed at the top bunk and Louise put up her hand.

"If Dan and Phil are on the double they need super vision to make sure no one gets pregnant" Louise said.

"Louise, we're both guys! Shouldn't you be saying that about Emma and Luke?" Phil said and Emma blushed and sat down on the arm of the sofa. 

"Louise on top bunk it is! Who wants sofa number 1. and who wants sofa number 2.?" Luke said and Jake and Alex agreed to sleep on the sofas. Emma and Luke decided to sleep on the air bed and Carrie had an idea to sleep on the single bunk with Louise and surprisingly enough Louise agreed with it.


We all stayed up until 23 hours (11pm) and then got ready for bed. We had all brought extera clothes to sleep and for the next day so Phil and I changed into our pj's and jumped under the blankets of the double bed. From where Phil was lying he could see the TV so I laid on his chest so we could both see the TV but still be in bed comfortably. 

Everyone was asleep by 2am so I was last awake. I didn't want to make an annoyance of anyone so I gave Phil a kiss on the nose a curled up next to him a drifted off into dreams of Phil and I.

*this is such a shit ending but at least you aren't going to die from suspense right? sorry for the slow updates as well, I've been busy a lot so yeah slow chapters but you get something.. thanks for reading so far?*

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