Chapter 12

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"I love you Dan" Phil said. I don't know if he could see my face but there was the biggest smile you could ever see on me right at that moment.

"I love you too Phil" I said and kissed him again before curling up with him.


I can hear a quiet beeping from the other side of the room. I don't know what time it is, I don't really want to know what time it is but it needs to turn off soon so I can sleep. The beeping of what I now identify as an alarm is becoming louder and louder. It is weird when your conscious of yourself waking from sleep.

I felt the bed wobble for a second and then my back was exposed to the cold, meaning the blanket had been shifted. I groan and roll over to face where the duvet had been moved and I squint my eyes in order to avoid light but see what was happening as the alarm turned off.

For a moment this room was completely new to me and I had no idea where I was and the figure walking towards me was a complete stranger, that was until the stranger pressed his familiar lips against mine and shuffled back into bed next to me.

"Good morning" I mumble resting my head on Phil's chest as he wraps his strong arms around me. This is what I have always wanted in a relationship, someone who I can just cuddle, someone that doesn't only want me for attention or someone who just wants sex, but someone who likes me for me and who likes warm hugs and sweet kisses.

"Dan?" Phil says removing one of his arms off me and lifting up my chin with to fingers so I was looking at him. "It is 10 in the morning and as much as I want to spend the entire day here next to you, I still need to go shopping for Mum. I'm going to have a shower now, you can sleep some more if you want?" Phil said pecking my lips.

"I'm not letting you leave me" I said wrapping my own arms around Phil neck and pulling him tight towards me. Phil giggled under me and squeezed me before wiggling out of my grasp.

"Noooooo come back" I groaned slowly sitting up in Phil's bed. My eyes had adjusted to the light now so I sat up and held Phil's hand trying to pull him into bed again. Instead of Phil falling back onto the bed he pulled me and I fell off the bed onto the floor with a loud thud.

"I'll be back soon" Phil said bending down to the floor where I lay to kiss my lips for a second before exiting the room for his shower. I pulled myself off the floor and sat down on the end of Phil's bed. He had his desk cluttered with papers and posters. I can see why they are there as it seems he has run out of room on his bedroom ceiling. His walls were stripy on the bottom with blue and green and just blue everywhere else. Above the bed the roof was angled, and the dresser had a space behind it as it was a tiny bit to tall for the ceiling there.

I wondered around Phil's bedroom for a while and got changed into some of Phil's clothes he lent me. After Phil was out of the shower and he and I were dressed, my hair already starting to curl at the ends, but not so bad you could notice it. We walked down stairs into the kitchen to be greeted with Phil's father and brother, Martin at the dining table.

Phil pulled out a chair for me and I sat down greatfuly. Phil sat next to me as Phil's Mum slid some bacon and eggs onto our plates. Phil was looking at me and I smiled sweetly and turned towards Phil's dad and brother on the other side of the table.

Come on, Bear- a phan fictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang