Chapter 8

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Thursday on-ward was hard. I would usually hang around Phil, well, at least I did Monday and Tuesday. But avoiding him was more difficult than I had fireguard. Though I don't think Phil had the guts to talk to me too. We didn't talk, though I know Phil tried to.  Because Phil was my number 1 go-to person at break, Louise and Carrie have been my new group. There was a guy in the group named Luke and another girl named Emma, they were dating. But something that surprised me about the group was the other two cute guys that were also dating. Alex and Jake are dating but on Friday I found out they are trans, they used to be girls. This did not change my prospective on them at all. I didn't even know they were trans when I met them. They are both so nice anyway, I hope we become better friends in the future.

So I avoided Phil for the rest of the week  (today's Monday) and I couldn't stand the thought of him hitting me again. Mum noticed the bruise on my leg and asked what it was about. I would say I'm pretty good with excuses when it comes to it so when Mum asked about the bruises I said we did foot ball in P.E and I got kicked instead of the ball, she believed me so I still got some skill in this industry.

The bus drive was the same. On the bus to school I sat in a different seat than usual. I've sat in the front seat on the right, I sat behind the bus driver so that whenever someone that was there yesterday would walk right past me without a glance. When I got to school I speed walked into the building and went onto the elevator up to the second floor where all the school lockers where. 

I squeezed through the people into my years locker bays. I went straight to my locker and pulled my books for science, first class. I knew that Phil would have to sit next to me because of the lack of tables in our science class room so when I arrived at the room I made sure that I sat in a different in a different stop than last week. Maybe I can have someone else sit next to me. Like Louise or Carrie.

I've been sitting by myself this week just because of all the mess that's going on in my head. I know that I don't want Phil to hate me, but I haven't had the balls to try and speak to him again. I don't think he has either. But that's okay, I mean, I can't blame him, but I think I still really need an explanation on what made him think the best idea was to beat me up just so he wouldn't.

After waiting in class as it filled up without a teacher, I secretly wondered where Phil was. I know.. you probably hate me because "he beat you to the ground and you still want to be friends?!", but thanks so the amazing network of whinnie the pooh I have a thing with getting over problems really quickly. I hate myself for that.

The teacher, Dr Dungrun, walked into the classroom still without a sign of Phil. Roll call was the same as last week, though, almost the second Dr Dungrun called my name, Phil walked through the door. And because the demon of life just loves me so much, Phil had nowhere to sit but next to me. Again. I scooted over as far as I could when he put his books down on the table. Why couldn't Asherson have single desks like American schools? Or tripple desks like East-West High? If it was a three I would be able to have someone between Phil and I.

After Dr Dungrun had finished his long story about whatever he was talking about, I remembered Phil didn't have his text books last week. No surprise that he still doesn't have them now. I kept my eyes on my writing book and wrote what was on the chalk board into my book. A sigh was let out from beside me and Phil's voice cracked as he started to speak.

"Erm.. I'm sorry... I told you what happened that day... I just didn't ant it to happen again... But took it out the wrong way I should have" Phil explained to me as I look up from my book into the blue eyes I had melted into only a week ago. Nothing has changed in Phil's eyes but I will say that they looked darker than last week and from Phil's face I could see he was tired.

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