Chapter 17

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"Did Louise tell you about our plan?" Carrie said.

Louise sat down where she was sitting before as we moved to where we were. Phil and I shook out heads and Louise nodded at Carrie and Emma before they started talking.

"Louise showed you what OAH did to her brother. They have done it so many times that we, as a group, decided to pull a trick back on their side. We are thinking of doing it on Thursday or Friday." Carrie explained.

"Well what is the plan then?" Phil said as Emma carried on the story.

"Our plan is to stay back after school and get locked in the school, so no one can get in and no one can get out. I have a key to the doors near the running oval. We think if we just move around from the cleaners so we don't get caught then we will be able to go to their lockers and do what they did to us. Then I will unlock the door and we will bolt out and all go to Lukes house, he has a den that we can all stay in. What do you think?" Emma explained.

I thought it was a great idea and I would love to do that, but I looked over to Phil and saw his face, filled with utter fear and dred. I knew Phil didn't want to do it but I thought it was a good way to give what Sam and his dick hole of a group back what they gave us.

"I'm in if we are actually doing it" I said, feeling slightly bad about leaving Phil. Everyone slimed at me and turned to Phil. He was still looking at me and I nodded a tiny bit to say yes, so we can work in a group. Phil sighed and agreed to help.

"Friday would probably be better" Luke said taking out his phone from his jacket pocket but out it down on the sofa next to him.

"Friday it is then. Good for everyone else?" Louise said. Everyone, inclooding Phil, nodded and took out the phones to text the parents to make sure we can all "go to starbucks after school" and then go to Luke's for the night.

"My Mum is going to be weirded out by the fact their is three girls and five guys all sleeping in one room with no adults, not to mention two of the girls and two of the guys are the year above the rest of us but she will allow it, I'm pretty sure she knows I'm to self conserned to get naked with other people in the room" Luke said followed by a 'same' from everyone in the group.

"My Mum said I can go" Louise and Carrie said after Luke finished. My phone buzzed in my hand with a text from my Mum said it was okay as long as I'm back by 4pm on Saturay.

"Same" I said and Phil repeated it a second after I did. After a minute of waiting, everyone said we could do it and we started talking about it and what we are going to do after the school bell goes on Friday.


Louise, Carrie, Emma, Luke, Alex, Jake, Phil and I sat around a table in the cafeteria discussing what we were doing.

"I think we should start off in a clean place, where the cleaners are less likely to clean... Obviously" most not all, 

We decided to start at Luke's locker because he had the paint. Everybody had two cans of black spray paint each. We also had a roll of plastic wrap to wrap everything in their lockers. We as a group had six people but OAH group had 13 people so we all had two lockers each to destroy and as a group Phil, Louise and I make Sam's locker.

"I don't think we have thought of how to get into their lockers?"  Phil brought up. Because we were all talking as a group and discussing ideas together the attention wasn't directed to one person so when that was asked everyone started talking all at once about crowbars and lock hacking and just smashing it in until it pops open like they did to Louise's brother.

We decided on using all tactics. We would go around in group of two to each member of the OAH group's lockers and do what we need to do. If we couldn't get into a locker we agreed to write a threatening note and then duck tape all the sides of the locker door and so no liquids will leak and then pour the pineapple lemonade Emma brought into them through the vents in the locker door, with the note.

**time skip**

After last class we all met at the library and sat down againsed the wall and started talking about things to pass the time, while the cleaners made their way through the school. Our coversation was going from hair spray to pens to other things that you can't really talk aboutin school hours.

Phil set an alarm for 4:30 so that when it rang we would need to go to our hiding spot. We were all checking our phones frequently for the time and the last time It was 4:19pm and I kee it was around time so actually start thinking about where we would do from now. I was sat between Carrie and Phil. I leaned over to Phil and whispered a suggestion. 

"What if we took them to the room?" I asked. Phil looked up at me and shook his head. I nodded and re-joined the group conversation about where we are going. 

"Fourth floor has textiles rooms? We could hide behind the desks?" Alex said and we al agreed that was a good idea. We were on second floor but the stairs was only just up the corridor and so it wouldn't be that hard to get to. After a minute we all agreed to the textile room idea and conversation went slow. 

"Considering this is such a big thing tonight we all seem to be really chill about it" Louise said, it was true, we were all completely calm. Except maybe Phil. I knew he had a thing with getting caught in the act, and we would surly all get expelled if we got caught. 

Everyone's eyes shot up behind me and Phil. I swear to god if it is Sam I'm never going to leave my bedroom again. I looked behind me to the floor and saw dark gray pants with black shoes and black coat meeting the persons knees. Because I was sitting on the floor I really had to tilt my head up to see who it was. 

"What is big about tonight?" Asked the man.   

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