Chapter Eight (Unexpected Differences)

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                          Bling. Here went nothing.

                          Cedric: M'kay, c u thr. *wink*

                          Dean: N.O. I already told you that I am coming to pick you. Don't let me find out you go on with some losers. Stay right there, I am coming.

                          Wow, was Alice psychic or what? But I was kind of dissappointed of Cedric's reply. He looked like he didn't care about this trip.

                           I called Alice and told her about the text.

                           "See? Leave the rest for us. Enjoy the dates." She said and hung up.

                           I hoped she's right.


                         "What the hell Aaron?" Dean yelled at me once I sat inside his jeep. 

                          "You think you can just bail on me with some losers?" He started the engine which made a loud noise and drove away from my driveway.

                          "Sorry" I said and lowered my head.

                          There's a silent between us that moment. But then, I heard he sighed.

                          I looked at him from the corner of my eyes. He relaxed a little bit and sank back comfortably into his seat. Thank goodness.

                          A sudden relief washed over me and I sank back too into the leather seat of his.

                         I took in the scene in his car.

                         His car was what I thought it was. Yes, I visualized his car. So? I was in love with him badly! I also visualized his house too. Like beers everywhere and dirty laundries. He's a gangster, what should I imagine? A rainbow wallpaper in his bedroom?

                          I looked around his car. It was clean and neat. Which was weird. I shrugged off the thought of him being filthy, instead I took in him.

                           He was wearing a dark checkered button-up shirt, a shirt that he normally didn't wear to school. Oh what the heck, he never wore this kind of clothes! And where's the PlayBoy's perfume? The only smell I smelt was his body odour, no perfume or anything. His body odour didn't stink, it was refreshing and damn nice. This was so weird.

                            "So Aaron, what are you going to play first?" He looked at me in the eyes and shoved his carkey in his left breast's pocket.

                             "What?" I always spaced out when I looked at him. Dean sent a playful smirk at me, making me felt embrassed.

                             "We're here Aaron. Come on." He alighted and went around the car, opened the door for me. He streched his hand out for me to take. I blushed as I took it, I felt like a princess.

                             JoyLand came in sight as I stood in front of it. It was big but there's no line at the ticketbooth. Usually this place was filled with customers. Adults and children loved this place. I came here once with my family, when I was really young. I didn't come here after then because my family got busy with their works. I used to love the Marry-Go-Round here and the rollercoaster.

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