Friends Are Forever (Best Friends pt.4)

Start from the beginning

Jin walked out the kitchen with coffee mug in his hand, of course he couldn't miss this day. It was a bit of the anniversary for us too, after all we met a year ago on this day. He came closer and hugged me, but I could clearly feel how uncomfortable he felt doing it in front of my boyfriend.

"People, I have an announcement to make."

It was Nam-joon, he stood in the middle of the room like he owns the place. I sensed how proud he was of the following words.

"Go on..."

I encouragement him with a slight idea of what he's going to say.

"I got the promotion."

Everyone seemed surprised for a moment, but after a second of silence the applause came from all around and everyone started greeting Nam-joon. Everyone including Jin, who patted him on the back congratulating, except me.

I hugged him silently without a word. And smiled as an answer after JungKook's wife asked if I was happy. I was, sort of. I felt that it wasn't all he had to say. It wasn't all, and I was right.

"I'm moving to the new office..." There was more. MORE than I will be able to handle, but he said it anyways unaware of how weak I felt second after second letting his words sunk in to my mind. "In new city."

I just walked out. I walked out the room leaving everyone stunned. I knew what was going to happen next. He will leave without me or ask me to go with him. Anyways we will end up splitting up. Why? Because I wasn't going to move away.

Surprisingly Jin was the one to follow me after I left. Nam-joon probably gave me some room to get along with the idea.

"Hey, you're alright?" He asked and I couldn't lie, so I shook my head. "Shhh... it's going to be fine!"

He didn't understand. It wasn't going to be fine, just when I thought I found my happiness it was taken away. I loved Nam-joon and I couldn't help it.

"How can you say that?"

"You will have me."

He said and pulled me in to the hug. I just played along and wrapped my hands around him.

"But I love him."

I couldn't understand why I was sobbing on Jin's shoulder like a little baby. From where I was I could see JungKook holding his kids in his hands smiling to his wife... The man who found his happiness. That's who he was. And I was part of it. Maybe that's why I couldn't find mine.

"I always were there for you, haven't I?'

It was true, Jin never let me feel alone.


I wanted to know, I was honestly curious. I couldn't understand or describe who Jin was to me, we were close, but... how do you call this? I didn't know.

"Because I love you, silly."

He chuckled.


"I wanted to tell you so many times, but you had Nam-joon, and to be honest, you two looked so happy together, I couldn't help it, but feel happy for you two, even if my heart break a bit every time I see you in his embrace instead of mine."

I backed up after Jin's little confession. He was brave enough to say in to my face. There was no reason for him to lie. But he never spoke about it.

The realization stroke.

Three years ago I made a decision who changed my life. I let my best friend, JungKook live his life. I chose to be his best friend, to support and never leave him. I loved him more than any man in my life, but if you love someone you set the free. And that's what I did.

And that's what Jin did.

I silent connection formed between us as we both realized we were too familiar with the same feeling.

"I guess you kind of let the most important people slip through your eyes unnoticed."

I awkwardly laughed and Jin joined in.

"Is there a chance...?"

I was aware of his question, but I had an answer right up my sleeve. I nodded. I couldn't promised him anything, but I was sure that anything is possible.

Three years ago on JungKook's wedding day I felt alone. But in reality I had my best friend. Now when I learned there is people out there struggling just like I did...

Lovers can change, but friends are forever. I smiled as I made an eye contact with JungKook from the other room. We spoke with no words. Friends are forever.


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