Bad days

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(Y/n) POV
Today has been a terrible day for both Cameron and i. 3am in the morning we got a home call from the hospital that Cameron's Grandma had passed away!
"What..." Cameron said his face turning pure white. He throws his phone on the other end of the bed we where sharing and started to cry his eyes out.
" baby whats wrong??" I said concerned
" my grandma" he said. When he said that i understood what had happened, tears dripped down both our faces. I knew how much she meant to him, so i needed to be beside Cameron    for support!

Flaskback over...
As i walked around our apartment i couldnt seen to find cameron anywhere. The only place i didnt look was our balcony! I slowly walked onto the balcony to find Cameron sittting on a chair with a cigarette and a beer can in his hands.
" Cam what are you doing ????" I said with a shocked expression on my face. He hated people who did these things!
" wtf does it look like im doing!" He shouted back , he was clearly drunk with puffy red eyes, messy hair.
I moved forwards him and pulled the cigarette out of his hand and pressed on it with my foot.
" Why the fuck would you do that!!" He screamed at me while pushing my shoulder sightly.
"Cameron you don't understand, doing this isnt going to get you anywhere!" I shout back.
When i realised that we where practically screamming and shouting at each others i ran inside because i couldnt take it anymore.
I locked my room and cryed myself to sleep. During the night Cameron's drunk self kept banging on the locked door but finally stopped.

The next morning...

I woke up pretty early for a Saturday morning. After i sat up i cringed at the horrific day i had yesterday.I slowly got up and walked toward the door, when i opened the door i saw Cameron sleeping so peacefully in the hallway. I didnt want to wake him up but he looked really cold , almost Shivering on the floor. I carefully shook him awake, when he woke up the first thing he did was quickly pull me onto a really tight hug.
" im so  sorry , im so sorry, i wont do it again please forgive me" he begged and begged.
I gave in and smashed my lips onto his.
" how about we go on a road trip and go far from here and forget about problems " he suggested while my hands where wrapped around his neck and his hand softly rubbing the sides of my body...

Should I continue??
Vote for part2

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