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I slam the door shut as we enter out apartment!
" you know what Cameron i honestly cant believe you right now" i scream in his face with anger.
" what the hell i didnt evern do anything to you ... You where the one firting with everyone there! Especially with shawn like wtf" he shouted back
" FLIRTING what is wrong with you , ive now him
since i was little , you cant say that "
" not just Shawn all of the other boys too"
" you know what?" I said then there was a long silence inbetween.
" im dont with this relationship... I cant do it anymore " i said not looking him in the eye
Cameron didnt say anything but turn around and punched the glass coffee table. It shattered into pieces ... Just like me.
I whinched back and ran up to him, his hand was cut really badly there  was blood everywhere.
Then he ran around the room shouting ' no ' , ' i love you (y/n). I tryed to stop him but there was no use , he was stronger than me!

After 10 long minutes of trying to stop cameron from smashing the apartment , we both collapsed onto the floor crying and crying , not stopping.
I do love cameron so much , i didnt really mean to say those words.

" c-cameron look at your h-hand" i said holding his hurt hand.
" i-im fine " he said
Them we both said "i love you" at the same time and turned our head so we there facing each other.
I smashed my lips onto his it was the
Most passionate kiss we had!
" please forgive me , i know ive messed up babe please " he begged
I nodded in reponce.
" lets get you cleaned up " i said

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