Chapter 15

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Madelyn was drunk and tired of the super natural drama, so she made an impulsive decision and went off to grab her jacket and keys and then walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Damon asked staring directly at her.

"To see Alaric." She answered like it wasn't a big deal.

"No, you're not." Damon hissed at her.

"Watch me." She said with a smirk, being slightly stubborn, before she walked through the door.

"Damnit" She heard Damon hiss, before she let the door close behind her.

She had just reached her car, as she felt a whoosh of air behind her, and before she knew it, her keys were snatched away from her.

"Hey!" Madelyn protested, before turning around and finding Damon standing behind her, playing with her keys in his hand.

"I'm driving. There's no way I'm going to let you wreck another car. Get in." Damon ordered. Madelyn stared stubbornly at him for a moment before she sighed and walked to the passenger seat.

"If you had just given me a Porsche, I would be more careful." She said offended, teasing him a bit, making Damon scoff and laugh.

They drove in silence for a while.

"I can't believe, that he's back and that he'll be gone again tonight." Madelyn said in a sad tone.

"I know." Damon said softly, not able to look at her, by the thought of loosing his friend again.

Alaric slowly walked out from the threes as they reached the graveyard.

"Don't let her drive before she's sober." Damon said, before throwing the car keys to Alaric.

Before Madelyn could say anything, Damon flashed away.

"Trouble in paradise, huh?" Alaric asked, earning himself an annoyed look from Madelyn.

A deep sigh escaped her lips, as they started to walk further into the graveyard, to find a place to sit down.

"I guess you could say that." She said sarcastically.

"But you probably saw everything that happened, over these last months, so you would know that I made Stefan compel away my feelings for Damon." She said before sitting down.

"Yeah. And you and Elena switched Salvatore brothers.
Are you sure, you're not a Petrova doppelgänger?" Alaric said almost teasingly. Madelyn elbowed him in the side, making him laugh. She couldn't help but laugh with him, but it quickly quiet down, as she realized that she would leave them all behind soon.

"For someone who says she doesn't feel, you seem to care a lot about him." Alaric said softly. It was like she crumbled under his look, but she tried her best to sound unaffected.

"What makes you believe that." She said coldly, not even looking at him.

"I see the way you look at him, Maddie." Alaric said, making her look at him with tears in her eyes.

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