"He's staying in my closet?!" Kiedi asked incredulously.

"Yup," Daniel whispered to her.

"As your personal guard he has to be  near you at all times ," Sonya explained. "This door should always remain unlocked.

"Great," Kiedi muttered.

"Ill get your stuff unpacked," Sonya told Daniel; "Kiedi there are some new outfits for you to wear in the closet."

When Kiedi and Daniel left her room a few minutes later Kelly and Nathan were already in the hallway talking. They finished up and Kelly linked her arm through Kiedi's and they headed out for their walk into the Kingdom.

"This place is great!" Kelly exclaimed when they were a good distance out of earshot of the guys, "We get our own helpers and hot personal guards." Kelly started grinning before  she made her next comment. 

"Do you know they sleep within your room?" she said all excited.

Kiedi looked behind her at their guards, Daniel smiled at her and Nathan grimaced, "Yeah wonderful," she muttered.

"Isn't Nathan dreamy, I mean Daniel is cute and all but Nathan is so tall and muscular," Kelly said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"If you say so," Kiedi chuckled at the look on her face.

"Daniel seems to like you," Kelly said nudging Kiedi's shoulder.

"I have  boyfriend remember," Kiedi looked at her pointedly.

"Oh yeah..." Kelly mumbled. "You two can't maintain a relationship if your up here and he's on earth," Kelly pointed out.

"Who says I'm staying?" Kiedi's response just slipped out as a reflex to Kelly's implying that she and Luke couldn't be together.

"Why would you leave?" Kelly asked in a panic.

Kiedi looked around at all the people... Angels looking at them as they walked. Some of them were smiling and waving, at Kelly, when it came to her she was met with a grimace or stared at in wonder. She was the unwelcome halfbreed and they made sure she knew it; she didn't belong there.

"Nevermind that," Kelly continued, "You're an angel, you should be with your own kind."

"I'm also a demon remember," Kiedi replied a bit harsher than she intended; all the Angels grimacing at her were pissing her off."

"But you will fit in here better, Luke is just a human after all," Kelly said softly, she was a bit hurt that Kiedi would use that tone with her when she just wanted her to stay.

"Luke isn't Human," Kiedi said taking a quick glance at Kelly before looking away. Kelly stopped walking but Kiedi ignored her; she didn't want any one person to be staring at her for too long.

"How? when? why?" Kelly asked as she caught up to Kiedi. When Kiedi looked over at her and saw a series of emotions play over her face, the last of which was hurt.

"Luke is a demon," Kiedi shrugged.

"How come you never told me this?" Kelly asked indignantly, "I thought we told each other everything."

"It wasn't my secret to tell," Kiedi said with a sad look on her face. She linked her arm through Kelly's once more. "I wanted to tell you so many times but I promised Luke."

"It's okay," Kelly said after letting out a great big sigh.

That night Kiedi stood on the balcony of her room and stared out. Her view was of Alchima but with her fingers tracing her necklace Kiedi was back on earth in her mind..

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