Kev: Hey, I'm just over at Kirstie and Avi's so I'll meet you at your's in about 10 minutes? Sorry for changing plans, Av needed help with something.

Mitch smiled at Kevin's thoughtfulness, he could have easily told him to meet him at Kirstie's but he knew all about the little problem he had with them and had decided to spare his feelings instead. Kevin was an angel and Mitch thanked Kirstie everyday for meeting Avi and bringing Kevin and him together.

It didn't take long for him to get to the apartment building, his driver was very well practiced at getting round the heavy traffic spots in New York and his work wasn't too far away from his home. It was a little later than the ten minutes that Kevin had suggested but Mitch was surprised to see that Kevin was not outside the door to his apartment like he thought he would be. Mitch had presumed that he would wait there for him since he wasn't able to take the elevator up but Kevin was nowhere in sight. He opened his door, assuming that Kirstie had just given him his spare key and was shocked to find his apartment was not how he had left it.

Immediately he was overwhelmed by he smell of rose scented candles that were currently burning on his dinning table and some slow jazz being played over his speakers in the corner of the room. Mitch dropped his bag onto the couch, mouth wide open as he looked around his apartment confused.

Kevin then came out of the kitchen with some empty wine glasses and humming along to the music. He glanced over at Mitch staring at him from his place beside the seating area and continued to walk until the gears in his mind finally all clicked together and he finally recognised that the person they had been waiting for was finally there.

"Hey Mitch! Avi's in the kitchen cooking, Kirstie's doing...something, hope you don't mind." Kevin brushed it off like them breaking into his apartment and cooking dinner was one of the most natural things on earth.

Mitch, finally regaining control over his voice, began to follow him towards the table and observed the elaborate set up that many restaurants would be envious of. "No, no it's fine. What's the occasion?"

"We just thought you deserved to have a special night you know, since you've been so busy about the fashion week." He called out as he quickly made his way back into the kitchen to retrieve the next item leaving Mitch to linger alone by the table.

"Aww thanks girl."

Silently, he began to have a browse of the table to try and get some idea what was going on. There was two places set up yet there were currently four people in his apartment. His first thoughts were that Kirstie and Avi had decided to have a romantic dinner in his apartment which would be weird, there was nothing about his penthouse that was romantic in the slightest. Then it dawned on him that Kevin brought him here, Kevin was the one who had changed the plans.

Mitch heard a shuffling coming from the kitchen and Kevin himself came through the door with a large wooden salad bowl in hand. Clearing his throat, Mitch thought it was best to let him down gently. "Erm, I'm flattered really but I think you've got the wrong end of the stick. I'm really not into you like that..."

"What?" Kevin looked over at him with a very bemused expression on his face as he placed the bowl on the table. Slowly, he cracked into laughter when he realised just what Mitch was thinking. "Oh no, no. That's not for me."

"Oh thank goodness." Mitch chuckled a little, Kevin's laugh always was infectious.

"Kavi?" He tried once more to get information out of his friend.

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