Chapter 16

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It was fifteen minutes before school started on a Wednesday morning and a - what looked to be - 17 year old girl with long, wavy dark hair, big brown eyes, and a blank expression on her face stood in front of Mayview High School. She blinked uninterestedly as three males stood behind her. Since classes wouldn't be starting any time soon, the campus was still half empty, and only the occasional student would walk by and stare.

"Kate," Erick said as he placed a hand on her shoulder with a serious glint in his eyes, "you sure you're ready?" The brunette nodded.

"Of course," she stared at him, "why wouldn't I be?"

"Just making sure." Erick shouldered his backpack.

"Here," David said as he handed the girl what looked to be a pink colored perfume bottle, "take this." Kate raised an eyebrow as she accepted the bottle.

"What's this?"

"To..." The male made a face as he tried to formulate the right words. "Manipulate someone the right way." He nodded to himself, now remembering Gen's words. "Remember, your job is to find out what you can about Doreen and that new little group of hers. If needed, use this on one of the guys, Israel or Andrew."

"What about Erick?"

"I investigate the girls," The male with the skateboard chuckled and slung an arm around her shoulder, "but don't worry, I'll guide you around the school." Kate nodded to herself, then jerked a thumb at the third male.

"Then what's he doing here?" David and Erick turned to the tallest one of the group. Davis pouted and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What?" He questioned innocently. "I just wanted to see my sister off to school. Plus," he laughed and pointed to the perfume bottle, "I made that." David, Erick, and Kate rolled their eyes.

"C'mon," Erick said as he pulled Kate along and into the school, "we'll be going now. Bye." With that, David and Davis were left alone. David sighed and placed a hand on the older male's shoulder.

"You do know that she doesn't like you, right, even though she's your sister?" Davis sighed.

"I know," the taller male nodded, "at least she only avoids me in public. But, David," he looked down at the younger male sadly, "I'm trying everything to protect her, but she just doesn't understand why I had to do this." The younger male nodded and looked down in understanding.

"She still doesn't understand why you brought the two of you into the BSIA..." David filled out and locked eyes with his companion. He shrugged. "I get it, times are tough." Davis nodded and looked at his watch, then at the school, and back at his watch.

"Well, I gotta go," he said with a small smile, "gotta head back to the ice cream shop. Bye." With a wave, he walked away, leaving David alone.

Turning the other way and stuffing his hands inside his jacket pockets, the dark haired male started walking down the sidewalk, opposite of Davis, and away from the school. He knew that the BSIA was complicated, but wasn't everything? Sometimes, he thinks if what he's doing for the organization was for the best.


The music room was dark and empty, since classes haven't started yet. Through the small crack under the door, an ant crawled in. Once it was inside the room after avoiding being stepped on, the small insect soon transformed itself into Melarni. The ombre haired girl smirked to herself as she turned on the lights inside the room.

"Okay," she clapped her hands together, "now, let's find those results." Since the results for the music show fundraiser were postponed to Wednesday on Monday, the girl was anxious. So anxious, that she decided to sneak inside the music room just to search for the results early in the morning. As she opened each drawer shuffling through papers, she still had no luck. She stood upright with a huff. "Where is it?!"

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