Chapter 28

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"It was the BSIA," Dean said quietly as he sat in the chair Melarni had previously occupied, "wasn't it?" Ivan nodded and adjusted the covers as he sat up in the hospital bed.

"I should've known," the younger male said regretfully, "if I had been careful after everything that's happened, then no one would've died." Dean saw tears fall out of his adopted son's eyes but he didn't reach out a hand to wipe them away. Ivan - no, Roland - hated when people showed him sympathy. "I completely forgot," He bawled and covered his face with his hands, "how reckless can I be?"

"Ivan,"Dean started, "it's not your fault - "

"Yes it is!" The telepath shouted, his voice echoing throughout the room. At his action, he slowly looked towards the back side of the from where Melarni continue to sleep on the couch, despite the noise. He sighed and looked back at his father. "Melarni's traumatized and everyone's dead and... it's all my fault."

"Ivan," Dean said in a more serious tone, "you need to stop blaming yourself for this. It was prom, no one thought this would happen, and you also need to stop adding more stress on your mind and body as it is since you're still recovering." The metahuman closed his eyes and shook his head.

"I should've died with everyone else."


Ivan's face turned to the left from the impact of the slap, the pale fresh turning a stinging pink. He continued staring at the wall, not wanting to look at his father. From his peripheral vision, he saw and heard Dean swallow the lump in his throat and sit back down in his chair. Ivan didn't need to read his thoughts to know how disappointed he was after hearing him say that. To be honest, Ivan's pretty disappointed in himself too.

"Like you said," Dean said, face stern more than usual, "no one should've died, especially you. If you died," Ivan heard him swallowing down a sob and looked at him, "I would be alone again. If you died, everything we have worked hard for will go to waste. If you died, I wouldn't be the only one who would be devastated." He gestured at the shapeshifter's sleeping form but Ivan didn't look at her. "You should be thankful that the serum didn't kill you."

"That's the thing," Ivan's brows furrowed in confusion, "it's a super serum. It shouldn't have done anything to me." Dean nodded.

"I'll have it investigated," Dean added, "Doreen has a sample of the serum from Jazmine. I'll have Doreen come to the laboratory tomorrow." Ivan nodded. After a moment of silence, the older Reid checked his watch and smiled at his son. "It's getting late," he jerked a thumb at Melarni, "I should go and drop her off now." Ivan nodded with a smile.

"Thank you."

Dean nodded and stood up. He walked towards Melarni and gently shook her awake. After a couple of goodbyes and a goodnight kiss, they were gone.

Ivan sighed and leaned his head on the metal head rest of the bed. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was nearing midnight. "I need sleep." He finalized before laying back down and closing his eyes. In seconds, he was fast asleep.


It was nearly 3 am when he was jolted awake by hushed voices and footsteps by the closed hospital door. Ivan wasn't scared - he learned not to be scared after everything that's happened. So when he saw a sliver of light enter the dark hospital room he sat up and remained calm. Once the door was fully open and he saw who entered the room, he rolled his eyes but breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, he should've known.

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