Chapter 5

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It's been four days since the motel incident and three days since the group discovered the abandoned warehouse. It's been three days since they started practicing their new abilities, and they were now progressively better at controlling them.

It was now near the end of fourth period at Mayview High School, and the guys who had weight training for that period walked into the boys' locker rooms to take a quick shower and change their clothes. In the boys' locker room, there were five separate little shower rooms with one shower stall inside if a boy were to shower. Besides those rooms, the rest of the locker room was filled with lockers and benches. It was a very blue painted locker room.

Israel walked into the locker room, sweaty, exhausted, and in need of a shower before he goes to his next class, which would be Calculus. He walked over to his locker, which was right besides Andrew's, and unlocked it.

"I'm exhausted!" Andrew exclaimed, yawning and stretching his arms over his head.

"Ditto." Israel agreed with a chuckle, grabbing his towel and change of clothes out of his locker and closing it, locking it once again. Andrew mimicked his actions. "C'mon, let's go to the shower rooms before someone beats us to it!"

With that, the pair ran to the five shower rooms, thankful that two were still unoccupied. With grins on their faces, they each went into the unoccupied shower room and locked the door behind them. The other males in the locker room were either taking a shower or scrambling to change their clothes and get ready for their next class.

Unbeknownst to Israel, who was busy taking a shower, two quiet figures were slowly phasing themselves up from the ground. The little shower room was actually pretty spacious, with a shower stall in the corner and the space big enough for at least four more people. Naturally, the shower stall was covered with a shower curtain. The two figures, who were now revealed to be Jazmine and Marissa, were now standing in the shower room. Jazmine looked at Marissa and nodded, who in turn waved her hands up once, then spread them out as if she were spreading curtains apart. With that simple action, the shower room was now covered in steam. Thanks to the steam, Israel wouldn't be able to notice what they were going to do. Jazmine looked towards the door, and then looked down at the towel and pair of clean clothes on a bench. She quickly grabbed Israel's change of clothes and replaced it with a medium sized black bag. The two nodded with a smirk before phasing through the floor once again.

They did the same thing with Andrew. As the mischievous pair phased through Andrew's shower room floor, Marissa quickly covered the room with steam. Marissa quickly grabbed Andrew's change of clothes and replaced it with a medium sized white bag. Jazmine and Marissa silently high fived each other with grins on their faces, and nearly laughed out loud when Andrew started singing his version of 'Let It Go'. With that, the pair quickly phased through the floor again and were out of sight.

Jazmine phased them out of the ground at the back of the boys' locker room. Once they were standing on the ground, they busted into a fit of giggles and what they just did. "Okay, that was your best plan yet!" Jazmine said and high fived her friend.

"I know right?" Marissa laughed and held up Andrew's clothes. "Now, what do we do with these?" Before Jazmine could answer, a voice interrupted her.

"Where'd you two come from?" A voice asked, causing the two girls to jump and turn around at the newcomer. The male who had spoken was tall, had short brown hair, and was currently giving them a bewildered look.

"Hi... Erick?" Jazmine greeted with an awkward smile and wave. Erick nodded his head and pointed to where they were standing.

"Were you guys standing there the whole time?" He asked and the pair looked down before looking at each other.

MetamorphosisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora