Chapter 17 Part One

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The watch on the bedside table buzzed, alerting the girl lying in bed beside it that someone was trying to video call her. The girl groaned and blindly groped the surface of the table for the watch before holding it in her hand. After pressing the Yes button, Andrew's excited face appeared on the screen.

"Andrew," Jazmine hissed, eyes still not open, "I thought we agreed that you'd stop doing this?"

"Ew," Andrew laughed, "what happened to you?" He cackled. "You look like a troll." The girl opened her eyes and glared at him through the screen.

"This is what people who receive a rude awakening at midnight look like," she pointed to her tangled hair and narrowed red eyes, "so thanks, a girl loves being called a troll at midnight." She closed her eyes again and laid her head back down. "What is it this time?"

"Well," he started, his voice wide awake, "you know how the carnival is today right?" She nodded her head. "Well, I wanna ask Kate if she'd want to go with me a-"

"Why didn't you call Israel instead?" She questioned, opening her eyes again and sitting up in her bed, her hand still holding the watch and the other rubbing her right eye. "Or any of the other guys, if that's the case?" Andrew shrugged, a sheepish smile on his face.

"Well, you're like my best friend and you're a girl, so I thought that you'd give me better advice at this." She raised an eyebrow.

"I thought Israel was your best friend?"

"Male best friend," he laughed, "you're my female best friend." She sighed and rubbed her eyes again.

"Andrew," she yawned, "you've only known Kate since, like, Wednesday, and you've only really talked to her yesterday," she looked at him, "are you sure you want to take her to the carnival?" He nodded happily.

"Hell yeah!" He smirked. "Plus, from how we've talked yesterday," he grinned, "I think she likes me too."

"Andrew," she rolled her eyes, "you've just met her two days ago and when you first saw her, you didn't even seem interested. Actually..." she raised an eyebrow in thought. "You've only started paying attention to her at the ice cream shop on Wednesday."

"There's something about her, Jaz," The older metahuman admitted and she could see hearts forming in his eyes, "I don't know what, but there's just something that attracts me to her... like an invisible, magnetic force and it's like whenever I'm with her, I develop more feelings for her."

"You sound like you drank a love potion and fell in love with her." She laughed but stopped when she saw Andrew's face harden, his eyes now serious as they looked at her through the screen.

"Jaz," he started, "I don't like what you're implying." She waved her hand dismissively.

"Forget I said anything," she said and sighed, "just ask her normally." He nodded, his expression excited again.

"Right, should I get her flowers and chocolates too?"

"You're just gonna ask her to the carnival, not prom."

"Right," he nodded again and smiled at her, "thanks Jaz! I'll see you later!" With that, he hung up.

"Huh." She muttered and set her watch back down on the table. She yawned and laid back down on her bed. Kate Lee, in her opinion, seemes pretty sketchy to her. She didn't know why, but there was just something about her that was off.


"Stop that," Israel's voice said and Andrew snapped back to reality from his daydream that Friday morning, "you look like a lovesick fool, it's weird."

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