Chapter 31

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Wednesday Afternoon

"So..." Jazmine started during the trek back to the cabin. "Where's the camp?" Her voice held innocence and confusion, Israel noted.

"That way, I think," Matthew hummed as he stepped over a root while looking down at the map, "we're not far, from what I can tell." The phaser nodded and continued walking.

"I'm surprised you're not arguing about his reasoning this time, Jaz," Rogelio laughed as they turned towards a cobblestone path, "you guys were like cats and dogs earlier."

"Hm?" The girl hummed and raised her eyebrows at him in surprise. She paused and held onto the strap of her bag. "Oh," she shrugged with a chuckle, "well, I guess he's right this time." She pointed to a tall, two story cabin up ahead, smoke coming from the chimney in the any. "See?" The three males nodded their head and continued to walk.


When the small group made it back to the campsite, they weren't surprised to find the cabin the same way that it was when they left – the majority of the building empty. When they entered through the front doors, they found Marissa and Christina watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier in the living room while two male students were playing a chess game on the side. They also saw two girls sitting in the kitchen bar stools chatting about what they were going to do after graduation.

"Hey guys!" Rogelio greeted with a grin and a wave as he walked towards the two metahumans, the other three following behind him.

"Hey," Christina greeted while Marissa waved, "did you guys find the Haunted Cabin?"

"Haunted Cabin?" Jazmine questioned with furrowed eyebrows. "Is that what they call it now?"

"Jaz?" Marissa spoke up, her voice laced with concern. "You okay?"

"She fainted back at the cabin," Matthew informed with a jerked thumb, "so the séance tonight has been postponed." At the mention of fainting, the psychic and elemental immediately got up from the couch and lunged towards the phaser. The phaser's eyes widened and she took a step back when the two girls stepped into her personal bubble.

"Are you okay?" Christina questioned and grabbed her shoulders. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Do you need some coffee?" Marissa asked. "Or some hot chocolate?" She grinned. "Or cookies?"

"Um," Jazmine blinked and shrugged off the telepath's hands off of her, "I'm fine, thanks." She nodded. "I think I'm just gonna go rest in my room," she paused and looked at her friends, "uh... what room was I assigned in?" Christina laughed and backed away.

"Oh Jaz," she slapped her on the arm playfully, "forgetting your room number because you have to share it with Mia Cooper! Classic!"

"It's next to ours," Marissa smiled and pointed to her and the telepath, "room 8." Israel quickly walked towards the phaser and rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Do you want me to walk you there?" He asked. "You still seem kinda out of it." Truth is, he feels that there's something up with her. He didn't know what, but he just knows that something isn't right here. Either she got amnesia when she collapsed, or she's just being uncharacteristically ignorant right now. Either way, this isn't good.

Before Jazmine could voice her agreement, Matthew spoke up. "Nah, she'll be fine," the male waved a hand dismissively as he walked towards the couch and sat down, "plus, a guy and a girl shouldn't be in the same wing together or else they'll get in trouble." Marissa and Christina both hugged her gently before returning to their movie while Rogelio went into the kitchen to pop some popcorn. Israel stayed by her side.

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