I need to get out of here.

I started twisting my arms, trying to get rid of the vervain laced chains.

A sound of an electronic door opening came. I froze.

"Marcel" I called.

"Such a sweet voice," Someone said, a voice so raspy and dry. It sounded like a drunkard's voice, disgusting me.

A plumpy unshaved freckle filled face came into view, he held a gun, and stalked towards me. He pointed the gun at me. Coming near, he saw the chains and placed the gun on the floor.

What is he doing?

Trying to calm my nerves, a stench reached my nose and then only I realised that this guy was a human. He came near to me, his waist in level with my face. His hands reached his pants, reaching his zips as he started pulling it down, laughing wickedly.

Is he going to rape me?

Anger flooded through me.

This body of mine belongs only to Klaus. I am not going to let some human touch it. Flinging my leg out, I hit his knee, making him lose his balance as he fell to the floor. I reached out my leg, trying to reach for the gun, pulling it towards me. Once I got a hold of the gun, I shot the chain holding my right arms, making it go free. A small part of the chain was still dangling from my right arm.

The man had woken up and he looked terrified.

I wrapped the metal chain ignoring the vervain, and punched his face, sending him backwards as he fell again. His nose bleeding.

The smell of the blood, brought out my vampire side, and my fangs showed. His face paled.

"De...de...mon," he stuttered, his eyes wide with fear, as he crawled backwards.

Shooting the other chain with the gun, my hand fell free, a small part of the chain dangling from my other arm too.

Stalking towards the man, I showed him my vampire face as I inched closer.

"You don't deserve to live," I spat. "Don't make any noise," I said, grabbing his face, I drank all the blood from his neck, my energy coming back to me.

His dead body fell limply on the floor.

With the blood on the floor, I wrote a message on the wall and went out of the gate. It's electronic and there is a button right outside the door to open it.

Closing the door, I walked slowly and carefully to the turning, only come face to face with Stefan.

"Stefan?" I called.

He immediately turned around, his vampire face showing, slamming me against the wall, as his hands encircled my neck, realising that it's me, Caroline, his mouth broke into a wide grin as he recovered. Both of us hugged.

"I was searching for the rest of us, finally one of you showed up," he said, relief shown in his voice.

"You were captured too," I said.

"Yeah, I don't know who else has been captured," he said.

Some sound came from behind us and immediately we got out of there. Running slowly and silently, we came to a staircase leading upwards. I glanced at Stefan to see if it's a good idea to go upstairs. Shrugging, he went upstairs and I followed him in silence.

There was a door, and the faint voices of some guys can be heard.

Without hesitation Stefan opened the door.

"Follow my lead," he whispered into my ear.

Stepping into the room, there were a few guys sitting on a table, playing poker.


As all of them stared at the both of us, Stefan said, "Marcel is asking everyone to come downstairs, he has something important to announce," he said.

Immediately though, all of them stood up, abandoning their game as they made their way towards the door.

One guy kept looking at me curiously.

"I have never seen you before," he muttered.

Stefan immediately tensed.

"I'm new here," I said confidently, "You wouldn't want to mess with me," I said, glaring, hinding my chained arms behind my back.

He narrowed his eyes on me and left the room. Once they left, Stefan ran to a door at the end, opening it, it was a street. Going out, I followed him, breathing fresh air.

"We're out," I said, smiling.

"Come on," he said, grabbing my arm, as he stopped a cab and got me inside.

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