FTXA:TLA - The Homes

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Note: I drew this as tribute! Igneel, Grandineey, Metalicana children in human form! I could have colored it, but it already looks nice finalized in pen.

I hope you like it! Keep supporting this book and I'll continue some stories you prefer.



Grandineey was broken. It didn't surprise her when she'd look back on it. She had lost many things in her life. The separation of her tribe was outraging. When her own family split to their own paths, it was heart wrenching. But she didn't expect to break at this. She hardened herself for it.

The parting of her bastard.

Not as in 'bastard' human mate, but as in her bastard son.


Some of her kind would've torn her apart. The only action a mother could take to leave her child was to face death itself. However, Grandineey wasn't proud of having her first born.

She was in human form, in case of Fire Breathers. A bandit showed his face, and quickly knocked her lights out. The moment she woke up, she was clothe-less, her possessions were either broken or stolen, and her legs her immobile.

After some time, she found strange symptoms of a female human disease. Although, when she realized her stomach grew at an alarming rate, and she ate what she'd normally refuse, she knew that she was with child.

She was a mate-less sky dragon, restrained to the ground, and had a son in her. If she turned to her dragon form, it might damage the unborn and the dragon wouldn't want to injure an innocent.

Her only ambition was to find Metalicana or Igneel. But there wouldn't be any clues as to recognizing a scaleless dragon. Their kind had no need to rely on human form until the hunts, therefore they wouldn't recognize each other. With them gone, she didn't know whom to mate. She was lost.

She had to feed herself, which was difficult enough, and now her unborn child. It was as if the higher kami were punishing her.

When her son was born, he was so small. He cried. He whined. He coughed. He vomited. He sneezed. He wailed. He was born sickly. She couldn't feed him or make him well. All she could do was heal, but it never satisfied. He was so fragile. So vulnerable. He grew up so weak. The opposite of what any dragon - no matter the gender - would like in their offspring. Weakness.

But this boy was fully human. She didn't even turn half breed when he was conceived. This made him even weaker in dragons' eyes.

Yet, she couldn't leave him as a babe. She knew it would only be fair to raise him best as a homeless, mate-less, unfaithful of a mother as she could.

He didn't seem to care when he lived on though. He grew up thinking all was right in the world. He didn't know it was wrong not to have a father. He didn't know that his ribs weren't supposed to be so conspicuous. He didn't know they were poor and couldn't find a home. He didn't know he was supposed to have three meals a day, not a piece every three days.

He didn't know what it was to want. He didn't know what it was to take. He wouldn't survive a life as a dragon, and worse, she couldn't give him the life as a human.

Grandineey had taken the opportunity when it first came up. There were two men. They were vested in dark clothing, watching the two with hunger in their eyes closely. The boy had a small basket of fruit with only a few pieces. The fake human had a jug of their only water. Her instincts told her to keep her child away from the humans. However, after a short second, ideas came into mind.

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