Dark Dragon Extra

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This is an extra of the latest chapter from my best book, Dark Dragon.

You could see it as a one shot for a moment with Natsu and Igneel before said dragon left, but you'd understand it better if you've read the Dark Dragon chapter first. And only that would make sense if you've read the whole book.

It's one of Natsu's flashbacks, but from Igneel's perspective of it all.

Have fun reading!


Igneel watched as his apprentice fell from the sky. All time froze. Everything stopped to that one moment. That one sight. He watched his son, facing him, onyx eyes unaware, hands reaching up to him, his face filled with confusion.

The boy was falling to his death.


A flash came before his eyes. Blood splattered. Necks twisted. Eyes utterly hollow of light.


With no more hesitation, Igneel dropped down. Air was slicing his face. He squinted his orbs, focusing on his son's falling body. Flailing. Igneel folded his limbs in. Less resistance to gravity. Natsu fell further. Not enough. He had to be closer.

Igneel focused the best he could. His wings tightened. Arms and legs shrunk, tail painfully receded into his behind, horns grew inward, scales sank in to expose flesh.

Human form.

He slashed through the air, arms and legs perfectly straight and wings folded in. He penciled dived for his son. He grabbed the nearest limb, pulling Natsu closer.

Safe. He was safe. In his arms. Alive. His hatchling was alive.

He wrapped his right wing around his son. Protection. Natsu must be protected. As he opened his left wing, air was caught. Igneel was twisted so his back faced the ground. Good. Natsu won't get hurt. He wrapped his other wing around the apprentice.

Safe. Must be safe. Always safe.





He had been knocked out for half a day. Natsu had never awoke. He was in a deep sleep. Igneel worried.

No! He was the great King Igneel. He couldn't worry over humans. Not after what his last pupal managed to lead. It didn't make sense to care for them.

He needs to give the boy help. Serious help. Who could help? Who?

The dragon tried to calm himself. He wasn't thinking clearly. His apprentice nearly died. ... All because of him....

Wait! Stop! Now wasn't the time for self- blame and punishment! He had to take the boy to Grandineey. She would fix him. She was a Sky Dragon after all.


His greeting was a slap. "Oi! Is that any way to treat the master of a wounded patient?!" He barked.

The tall woman with short cut white hair stood firm. Her crystal silver eyes glared dangerously. "I do for masters and careless fools."

"I am no fool! I'm Ig-"

She slapped him once more. "I know well who you are. You've announced your official name so many times, its lost its meaning to me." She sighed. Glancing at the child, it was obvious he needed treatment. "I'll let Wendy look at him. She's grown skillful in healing; one magic that makes her most happy."

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