FTXA:TLA - The Scars

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Under the request of hakuna_matata100 .

That's right. I'm taking requests now. Though, only post them on the first chapter if you want me to write you something. Just want things organized. But, REQUESTS, JOBS, MISSIONS!

Heck! I'll do a crack ship of some Gratsu!

What can I say? I get bored and I like to write.


Metalicana was furious. Igneel may be one not to keep his temper in check, but that was an understatement compared to how the metal dragon could get at times. And this was one of those times, Ancselam d***it!

Curse humans and their idiocy! They don't deserve a single fraction of the power they stole! That naive Spirit Guider. Did he not know that the Lion Turtles were set to keep their kind safe? Safe from the cruilty of each other and the different powers. The Four Kinds knew of this.

Metalicana sighed. It was useless to set things back now. Even more useless to even hate the fact that it happened.

Stupid humans. At least he wasn't a real one. Only in skin.

He paused his walk in the woods. He had always came by a small village that didn't have much. There weren't any element changers (benders). He had came by it again.

He scoffed and walked towards it. That was the place he lived near. One filled with the innocent. They weren't touched by the curses of the idiotic Spirit Guider.

As he entered the town, he strolled into the market. Children stumbled and raced each other. Woman spoke of local gossip. Men worked their businesses or watched their children.

Metalicana let a soft smile grow on his lips. This place reminded him of his tribe. It was filled with so many different families and types of dragons. Wherever they travled, it wouldn't matter. They always had families and friends beside them their whole lives.

A group the three children crossed by him. One boy had russet brown hair, followed by a boy with darker brown, almost black. They raced away from a girl holding something in hand. A girl with lighter brown hair, near blond, chased them. They laughed and taunted playfully and she demanded for them to return her doll.

The metal dragon froze. He remembered this.


Metalicana zoomed passed the other dragon in the sky. A red scaled dragon flapped his wings harder. "Wait up, Metali'! We can't let her get either one of us or she'll get it!"

Metalicana laughed. "Don't tell me you're actually scared of her, Igneel?" He increeced his speed.

The red fire dragon kept up, almost pulling ahead. "Oi! You're just as scared as I am! You know she has advantage in the sky and we're over the ocean so we can't run on land!" He flapped as hard as he could.

Metalicana held the animal with feathers in his arms. It was a bird she grew fond of. "Don't worry. She knows we won't kill it."

Igneel sighed and flapped even faster. "She's still pissed."

"You bet I am!" Both young dragons stopped abruptly. They managed to fly in midair, not as well as her. She was scowling. "Give her back!" She ordered. The female dragon tried to slam into them, but the males separated to the side and avoided the lame assail. She turned around swiftly and caught eye of the bird in the metal dragon's arms.

Immediately, she head bunted the male yearling with full force. He was knocked back, blood streaming out his nose, loosening his grip on the red feathered creatures. Igneel use his large wings to get away from the fight.

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