Chapter Six: The World Of Creatures And Beyond

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Lily's P.O.V

What's happening to me? My sense got clearer than ever. I could hear people whispering, laughing, crying, and breathing miles away. I could hear everything. My head started spinning. My vision got darker and my breathing got heavier. Then all was black.

I only passed out for one minute and Marcus is already freaking out. I open my eyes to see Marcus yelling my name trying to wake me. "Hello handsome" I said softly. "Lily! Oh my god! Don't scare me like that." He said. Then his eyes slowly gazed up to my hair. Do I have something in my hair? I reached up to feel if there was anything unusual but nothing out of the ordinary. "Lily, when did you dye your hair the color red velvet?" he asked holding my hair. "And you have little cute horns sticking out of your head too." Then he said reaching up to poke the horns. They hurt like hell. "Ow! Stop it" I yelled.

I groaned in pain. My head hurts. My arms hurt. My back hurts. AND my legs, and neck. So basically my whole body hurts. I got up and to my surprise I see King Desmond's face looking scared. It looked as if he had seen a ghost. "Marcus I advise you to get away from her. She's bad news. I could tell. She's a..... demon." He said in disgust from the word "demon".

I looked at him like he's out of his mind. There is no way I'm a demon. My parents are humans. If I'm a demon, why didn't they tell me?

"Ummm.... Excuse me but I'm not a demon. I'm a HUUUMANNN!!!" I said slowly so that he could understand.

"No you're a demon. Look at yourself. You have wings, horns, fangs, and claws. You're defiantly a demon." He said sternly. I have wings? That explains my back hurting. Fangs? i raan my tongue over my canine teeth and felt sharp pointy teeth. My nails certainly did grow longer and sharper. But still--

"There is no way in hell am I a demon!" I yelled.

"He's right lily..... You really do look like a demon." Marcus said.

"What?" I said not believing my ears.

"But you're a cute demon Lily. A cute demon." He finishes.

"Marcus I advise you again to get away from her." King Desmond

"I'm not going anywhere with you" Marcus said in disgust.

That made King Desmond angry. He made a fireball and threw it at us. I dodge it by flying. Marcus went down to avoid getting a direct hit. I was furious now. What kind of father tries to attack his own son? I wanted to create a fireball as well but I couldn't. I didn't know how. But what if I concentrate hard enou-

I didn't get to finish my thought because I heard King Desmond said "Alright if you want it to be like this I guess I'll battle you. I challenge you to a battle Lily. And Marcus, you may not interfere."

I looked from Marcus to King Desmond to Marcus again looking for an answer. He just shrugged. "Ok" I said landing slowly.

Then without warning King Desmond threw a fireball at me. Luckily I was fast enough to dodge it. This kept going on about 20 times when King Desmond got tired of the dodging and attacked me with full force. "Stop dodging and fight!" he yelled "Lily, can you cast a spell?" Marcus asked when he saw me panting and sweating. I shook my head no.

"Nothing? No spells?" I nodded yes. "This is bad. Really really bad!" Marcus started panicking and running around. He knew he couldn't help but he wanted to. King Desmond took advantage of the conversation and threw a fireball at me. I tried to block it but it was powerful. Their strength compared to mine has a big difference. I used all my strength to reflect it and it worked! I did it! The fireball power shot back at King Desmond and hit him! "Yay Lily! You did it!" Marcus cheered.

Suddenly I felt dizzy. I fell to the ground and fainted.


"Mistress! Mistress wake up! Please wake up! Mistress!" I heard a voice called. Mistress? Who's that? I opened my eyes and looked around. It was an unusual place. I was surrounded by blood? Where did all this blood come from?

"Mistress, welcome to the world of creatures and beyond." Said a little child with black leather wings.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm your guardian. My name is The Eyes of Mikhail. Please call me Mikhail. It's nice to finally meet you." Mikhail said bowing his head down.

"Why are you bowing your head and calling me mistress? I have a name too. My name is Lily. Just call me Lily okay?' I said.

"I couldn't. You're my mistress. I have to call you mistress. I'll help you beat that idiot king for you if you want." Mikhail said with a grin.

"Ok... I'll let you beat him but you have to promise me you'll be careful not to kill him got it?" I said. "Yes ma'am" and with that said and done Mikhail took over my body and fought.

Mikhail's P.O.V

I focused on the feeling of protecting my mistress and made a fireball. I threw it, it hit him! Yay! I followed the steps again and again.

Create a red fireball, threw it, it hit him, CHEER!

Create a green fireball, threw it, it hit him, CHEER!

Create a blue fireball, threw it, it hit him, CHEER!

Create a yellow fireball, threw it, it hit him, CHEER!

Create a rainbow fireball, threw it, it hit him, CHEER!

That took King Desmond strength. I slowly walked closer to him watching carefully for signs that he might attack. Nothing. I smiled. "Wow i didnt know you could do that. I thought you said you dont know any spells. But whatever just finish him off Lily!" yelled the boy behind me. "Who are you?" I asked.

"What do you mean 'who are you'? You know me. I'm Marcus remember? This is the second time you asked that." he answered and mumbled the last part.

"I'm sorry but I'm not Lily... I-I mean my mistress Lily. She is my mistress and I'm helping her beat this idiot up." I said lowering my head.

"Oh.....well just finish that guy." Marcus said. "I can't. I can't kill him" I said in shame.

"What?! How come you can beat him up but not kill him?" he asked.

"My mistress ordered me to beat him up, not to kill him" I said.

"Oh...... Okay then I'll finish it." He said. "No! don't! Even though he's an idiot, he's still your father." I yelled stopping him. Then I walked up to him and said "Catch my mistress' body when she falls. After I switch bodies again she'll be the one who's controlling it okay?" he just nodded yes. I closed my eyes and fell into his arms.


(Still Mikhail's P.O.V)

"Mistress! Mistress! I finished my task!" I said running into her arms happily.

"Good job Mikhail" she said smiling. I smiled back.

"Shall I guide you back to the doors of reality" I asked holding out my hand for her to hold.

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