Chapter One: We Meet At Last

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Okay this is the first chapter I've done in my life. I never knew I could do this so I'm trying it out. Advise? Anyways let's get to the story shall we?


Lily's P.O.V

I sighed as I headed towards the woods. Today was just another day at school with bullies, teachers yelling, and work. It was tiring. The forest always help calm me down. I don't know how, but it just does. Maybe it's the way it's so quiet and peaceful, or how the lake shines under the sun or moon.

As I walked into my "secret hiding place" in the forest, I saw a boy curled up into a ball and laying down shivering from the cold.

"Um... Hello? Are you okay? Do you need some help?" I asked.

Boy's P.O.V

"Um... Hello? Are you okay? Do you need some help?" I heard someone asked. I looked up and saw a beautiful girl standing right in front of me.

I've been stuck in this forest for days. I can't get out. I wanted to get out but I couldn't. I've been banished from my country for something I didn't do. I would never try to kill the king! That's stupid. He's my father! Why would I try to do that?! Now I'm stuck in the human world as punishment and I can't get out.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said. This girl...... She looks like a human but she doesn't smell like one. "What are you?" I asked her. She laughed like I was crazy or something.

"I'm a human of course!" She said while laughing.

"But you don't smell like one..."

"Humans smell?"

"Yes they do."

"What do they smell like?"

"I don't know... I can't explain it very well."

Lily's P.O.V

This boy is funny.... and cute. Humans smelled? I've never heard of that before. Maybe he's just dehydrated and not thinking right. He does look kind of thirsty and hungry. Maybe I could take him home and help him.

"Umm... Are you thirsty? Hungry? You wanna come home with me and rest there?" I asked.

"Nah. I'm fine." The boy said.

Oh! I didn't catch his name yet!

"What's your name?" We both said at the same time. We laughed.

"Lily" I said.

"Marcus" He said.

"Well how about I come back tomorrow night and bring some food and water for you?" I offered.

"Thanks that would be very kind if you. You seem to be a nice young lady." He said.

He had a manner of a prince? Is he from a royal family or something? No... He can't be! Look at him Lily! He doesn't look a prince.

I said my goodbye and started walking home. The question from before still crossed my mind. Who and what is he? Why was he there? Well, I'll find out soon.


I came back with some bread and juice. I know it's not actually a real full meal but it's something right? I walked into my hiding place and saw Marcus still there in the same exact position that he was yesterday.

"Hey! I brought some food for you and juice." I said. He looked up at me and smiled weakly. "Thanks Lily" he said while eating.

Marcus P.O.V

She brought me some bread and juice... Is this what they eat for dinner? Just this? Oh well, at least she brought me some food. I've been starving for days.

Maybe after I eat I can try and escape this horrible place and go back to my kingdom. I finished my bread and drank my juice. When I looked back at Lily, she was trying to make a fire to heat this place up. "Here let me help" I said. "Thanks" she replied handing me the rocks twigs and other stuff.

I was about to used my powers but I remembered that there's a human in front of me. I can't use it in front of her. I worked on the fire for a good 20 minutes but nothing worked. I've had enough! "Hey Lily do you mind getting water from the lake?" I asked trying to get her out of my sight so I could use my powers. "Okay!" She said. I made a small fireball in my hand and tossed it into the "fire thingy".

She came back with water and we talked about random things. Then she asked "Are you a prince or someone from the royal family?".

"Yes I am"

"What are you?"

"A prince"

"What family?"

"A royal family that is very far from here"


"It's getting pretty dark and cold. Shouldn't you be going back home or your parents will be worried?" I asked.

"My parents don't live with me anymore. They died when I was young. I'm currently living by myself." She answered.

"Oh... I'm sorry I didn't mean to... You know..." I said feeling guilty.

"It's ok but it is getting kind of cold. You wanna come inside my house and warm up a bit?" She asked.

"Nah. I'm fine. " I said

"Ok..." And with that she walked home leaving me behind again in this pitiful place.


So? How do you like it so far? is this a good piece of writing for a fifth grader? what rating would you give me? A [1], [2], [3], or [4]? I'm sorry... I'm asking to many question aren't I? Ok I'll stop here

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