Chapter Eight: I'm Finally Home

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I'm weird. Did you know that? of course you didn't! I'm so weird that I mess up my whole room just to clean it up again. :( Is that weird? Everybody is weird (IN A GOOD WAY!) How are you weird?


Lily's P.O.V

I'm finally home! Home sweet home. I never want to leave this place again. I slowly closed my eyes to enjoy the relaxing warm water when I heard a loud crash downstairs. I quickly opened my eyes.

Then before I could even open my mouth and speak Marcus ran into the bathroom saying "Sorry Lily! I was just trying to see what was in those boxes that were sticking to the walls."

His mouth ran a mile a minute. "But I swear Lily it was an....." his voice started to trail off as his eyes grew wider by the second. It didn't take long for me to figure out what he was staring at.

My body. He was staring at my body! I scream and he screamed too.

"I'm so sorry Lily! I didn't mean to! I'm so sorry!" he apologized as he covered his eyes and ran out of the bathroom. That was scary. No one and I mean no one has ever seen me naked with me knowing. Not even my best friend of all time, Adam.

I quickly washed up and got a towel to wrap around my body. I went into my bedroom to get my clothes but I forgot that I left it in the other room. I got up and walked outside and was on the way to the other room when I saw Marcus's head in the fringe. I sneaked up quietly behind Marcus back and yelled, "Boo!"

"Ahhhh!" he screamed like a girl. I laughed my butt off and crying too.

"That was not funny Lily. You could've given a heart attack and then I die because of shocking." He pouted.

"Well you aren't going to die because you can't die" I stated.

"Who says I can't die?" he said back.

"Me!" I yelled laughing and running away still wrapped in a towel. He didn't run after me but instead he just stood there like a stupid idiot.

It was hilarious until I took a second to followed his eyes to where he was staring. My body that's what it was. He was staring at my body again!

"Hey! Stop staring at me like that!" I yelled at him breaking the silence. He shook his head coming back to his senses before running his mouth a mile a minute again.

"Whatever Marcus. Just stop staring like a creeper." I said rolling my eyes and walking back into the room.

I quickly put on the clothes and came back to the living only to find Marcus fast asleep on the couch. I smiled at him.

He looked like an angel that has fallen into a deep sleep. Long eyelashes, pale-pink (A/N: is that even a color) lips, the parted lips breathing in and out. He looks adorable. I leaned down to take a closer look at the angel, but really a vampire.

He slowly starts to open his eyes. His amber colored eyes stared into mine as I was memorized by it. He leaned up to me and kissed me gently on the lips. I pulled away quickly after catching on of what happened. He chuckled.

"Is this how you want to wake me up? Or is it time for my bath?" he questioned.

I silently giggled in my head and said, "Go take a bath while I cook dinner ok?" with the word "dinner" he perked up and ran straight for the bathroom. I went to the kitchen, turn on the stove and got to work.

Marcus's P.O.V

I sang Invisible by Jason Chen while I finished my shower. When I turned off the showers and went out into the kitchen I could see Lily running around the kitchen and looking into those boxes on the walls.

She got out stuff that didn't even look like food and just did something with them. I decided to stand there and watch and learn so I'll try and do it later. Then I smell garlic. Disgusting!

Lily doesn't seem to like the smell either so she threw it in a big can. That wasn't even enough to stop the horrid smell. When we don't need an item, we just toss it in the dirt and one of the hellhound dogs eats them. I came took it outside suffocating from the horrid smell. Luckily I have a hellhound that follows me anywhere and everywhere I go.

I called him and within seconds he was right in front of me waiting for his treat.

I put the can down and ordered, "Get the garlic and get rid of it." He understood and quickly gobbled the garlic.

I don't know how they do it but they did. I dismissed the dog and went back inside, leaving the can outside.

The minute I walked into the house, Lily asked "Where's the trash can?" I said I left it outside on the grass because it stinks. She didn't mind. I think she was actually glad that I did it. I joined in making dinner with Lily but mostly learning where everything is in the kitchen. Like the cabinets, the fridge, where the spices are and the ingredients. It was tiring but fun since I get to taste them.

Lily P.O.V

Marcus doesn't seem to know anything about the human world. He calls the cabinets "boxes on the walls". And he doesn't even know what a trash can is! That was a surprise. Vampires are so much different than humans. So I made him learn and remember everything in the kitchen. It was hard.

After 2 hours of learning everything there was in the kitchen we moved on to the living room. But first we got to eat. He ate the food that I cooked and the dessert as well. He claims that they are the BEST that he has ever tasted.

We sat down in the living room naming things from west to east. The couch, television, tables and everything else. He surprisingly rememorizes it quickly.

It was getting pretty late in the night and we were getting tired. I was on my way to my bedroom when I felt someone's arm grabbing me from behind. I totally forgot that he was even there!

~ Speaking to the readers ~

That's my problem, when I get really sleepy and tired I forget about the people around me.

~ Back to the story ~

"Where are you going?" he asked confused.

"To the bed" I replied rubbing my eyes.

"Where do I sleep then?" he questioned.

"On the couch." I said then headed back to my destination. The last thing I remembered seeing was Marcus sitting on the floor looking very confused.

Love's ComplicatedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora