Chapter Ten: The Beginning Of A Journey

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Lily's P.O.V

I heard someone calling my name in the distance. "Lily! Lily! Where are you?" I recognized that voice anywhere. It was Marcus's voice. What is he doing here? I felt a hand on my shoulders that brought me out of my thoughts.

"What are you doing here?" he asked. "I was about to ask you the same." I stated. "Why didn't you tell me about your past? I thought that we held no secret from each other." He questioned.

"I just thought that you'll pity me like everyone else. And plus, it hurts a lot to remember and tell people about it." I answered. He sighed. He sat down next to me and hugged me. "I'm not going to pity you. You should know that already." I just nodded knowing that he's right in the first place. The night was getting chilly again. "Hey come home and sleep. Then tomorrow we'll talk ok?" Marcus said holding out a hand for support. I took it and we started walking home together. As soon as we went inside the house Marcus hit the couch faster than you can blink. I went straight to bed not bothering to take a shower or anything. I'll do that first thing in the morning.

~ Next Morning ~

"Today's going to be sunny and clear skies everywhere. Now on to the traffics. Downtown is a little crowded so I recommend you taking..." I woke up seeing Marcus still asleep but the TV is on? There is only one person that I know that is interested in the morning news. That is person is Adam.

"Wake up! Wake up! Dang how do you people sleep so much? It's like 8 in the morning already!" Adam yelled running around the house waking very person in sight.

"Shut up!"

"Some people are trying to sleep here!"

Some of the neighbor isn't very fond of Adam since he's always the one who wakes everyone, and when I say everyone I mean everyone, up to do a little friendly neighborhood run. I sighed knowing if I don't wake up soon, I'll be mobbed by the neighbors complaining about the hyper idiot. "Adam!" I whined. Everything suddenly stopped. He poked his head in the room with a grin on his face. "You awake yet princess?" he asked. "I hate you. Idiot!" I yelled throwing a pillow at his face. "Now get out of here. I need to shower and change." I said shooing him out. "Why can't I see you naked?" he asked. What an idiot! "Yeah why can't we see you naked?" another voice said.

"What!" I yelled shocked that Marcus even suggested it. Okay this is the weirdest thing ever! Adam and Marcus were getting along with each other?

"Since when did you guys become friends?" I asked tilting my head in confusion. Their smirks dropped. They turned their head and looked at each other. They suddenly realize that they were actually getting along. Surprise! "Ahhhh!" they yelled. "Hahahahaha! You guys are so weird. And all this time I thought you guy hate each other guts but turns out, you boys are truly alike." I said laughing my butt off. They started to glare at me. "What did you say?" they said at the same time. "See? That's what I mean. Speaking at the same time and agreeing with stuff as well." I said trying to point out the obvious. Marcus opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by another voice.

"Princess Lily?" the voice asked.

"Huh?" Marcus, Adam, and I said.

"You are Princess Lily aren't you?" the voice said. Then a body came out of the wall. It was a man who looks like he is a butler and was in his twenties.

"Who are you? And next time why won't you try the door. It's super creepy that you came out of my wall." I informed him. "Yes m'am. I will try and use the door next time. If there's a next time." He said but mumbled the last part. I tilted my head in confusion.

Who the heck is he? And what is he doing here?

"My name is Michael and I am here to take you to your real home. The Palace of Darkness." He answered and bowed.

Did he just read my mind?

"Yes I did." He said.

Creepy person!

"It is not creepy at all. This is actually a way for us to not keep any secrets or thoughts from our fellow citizens." He said.

Idiot! I never said I was a princess! And plus I don't have any citizens to take care of!

"Of course you do. You have a whole kingdom of them. Currently there are 486,295 citizens living there." He informed.

Stop answering my thoughts! It's creeping me out!

"Yes your highness." He bowed. "Stop it!" I yelled. Then there was silence. "Anyways should we get going now?" Michael said.

Ring... Ring... "Hello... King? Yes I'm with her right now... Yes... I see... I'll be right there with her."

What's he talking about? Who the heck is he talking to? Probably an idiot, who else would he be talking to?

"Your father is no idiot. I was talking to your father, the king of darkness. He requests that you'd be arriving at the castle in 15 minutes." He answered. He grabbed my hand and started dragging me out the front door. "W-what? Where are you taking me?" I yelled. "To the kingdom, where you belong. Your dad, I mean the king requests you to be there. And we have to time to waste." He answered not taking any second glance behind him.

"Huh?! Uhh... No way am I going to somewhere with someone that I never knew my whole life. So stop dragging me!" I yelled once again. "Hey what about us? What are we suppose to do?" Marcus asked. "I don't know but help me! I don't want to be kidnapped!" I said. Adam and Marcus started chasing after me but they weren't getting any closer to touching me. But they were still able to chase after us. Finally we stopped near a dark alley. "Where are we? And why are we even here?" I asked. "This is the only place where we can connect with the Dark World. Please bare with it a little longer." Uhh... hell to the no! I don't want to go into that thing! "Please princess. We need to hurry."


"Princess!" he grabbed me and pulled me into the hole. Then all was black.

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