Chapter Three: Who I Am

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Marcus's P.O.V

I stood behind the trees in the shadows listening to Lily and a boy name Adam talk.

"Well, I don't see any vampires so I'm going back home to sleep. You coming with me?" Adam said to Lily.

"Nah. I'll stay here for little while longer. You go on ahead." Lily said waving bye to Adam.

"Ok, but if you ever need me, you know the drill. Scream my name and I'll be there to help." Adam said waving bye back.

"Ok, bye Adam." Lily said

After the boy Adam left, I came out of the shadows and hugged Lily from behind. I put a hand on her mouth so she couldn't scream for help.

"Shhhh! I'm not going to hurt you." I said.

"Who are you?" Lily asked.

I laughed. "You don't recognize me? I'm Marcus remember?"

I let go of Lily and started walking towards the lake. "Beautiful..." I said towards the lake.

I heard Lily's footsteps slowly walking away. I turned to her and said "You're not going anywhere, are you?" My eyes turns to a deep shade of red and glowed.

"N-No" Lily said shaking in fear. Tears started coming down her face. I came up to her and wiped it off with my thumb.

"Lily, don't cry. Even though I'm a vampire I would never want to hurt you." I said frowning.

Lily's P.O.V

Ha! Yeah right! How can I trust you?! I don't even know you that much! I thought.

"You know me pretty well Lily. You bring food and drinks for me everyday. How can you possibly not know me?!" Marcus said getting little frustrated.

"H-How d-did you k-know what I'm thinking?" I asked.

"Vampires can read minds. That's one advantage we have that humans don't." He explained.

"Oh, so now you tell me you have advantages and planning on killing me?" I said in a very rude voice.

"What?! No! Didn't I told you before?! I'm not like that! I've never in my life turned a human into a vampire." He said.

"Oh yeah sure! And how in the world am I suppose to believe that?!" I yelled.

"I don't know.......but please don't be scared of me," He said quietly.

"I'm a human Marcus, how can I not be scared?" I asked getting really annoyed.

"Lily, you're not human, " Marcus said calmly.

"Yes I am, " I argued.

"No your not, " he argued back.

"Yes I am!"


"Am so!"


"Am so!"

I was furious. I am so a human. Thankfully it was dark so he couldn't see my face turning really red.

"Look I'm going to say this once and only once, you're NOT a human. You don't smell like one at all. You're something else I can't tell what." He said calmly looking very serious.

"Yeah sure! I'm something else! Hell no! I'm not something else! I'm not a vampire and I'm definitely NOT a freak. Sure I'm different from others but that's special! I'm not a something else I'm A HUMAN!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs right in his face.

He tried talking and calming me down but it doesn't work that way. He just basically called me a freak! Can you believe this guy? After all I've done for him! Like bringing food and water to feed him so he wouldn't die! I cared for him so much and now this is how he repays me? That little bastard!

Then I was suddenly pushed up to a tree. "Ow!" "Sorry babe but you're going to have to get used to it." He said against my neck. He pushed himself up against me and kissed me. It was magical. Sparks flew everywhere. I don't know why but it just did. I melted in his arms and kissed him back. (A/N: Sorry about the description of the kiss, I'm not very good at that)

"Woah, " I said after the kiss.

"Woah is right. You're amazing Lily" he said grinning.

"Its getting dark. Hey you wanna come home with me?" I asked.


"Why not?! You've been here since a month already and you need a bath!" I pouted.

"I-I can't go" he whisper.

"Why?" I asked again.

"Cuz I just can't" and with that he went and walked away.

I stood there thinking what happened. Why didn't he want to go back to my house? Did he think that I'm going to do something to him? Does he not like me? Is he just afraid of the sudden question and said no? Arghhhh!!!! Why is it so complicated? But I'm not going to give to that easily. *Evil grin*


Boo! Haha so random isn't it? 😋 That how I am. And Im proud of it. Sorry about the rambling about nothing and any mistakes. Ok that's enough of nothingness now.

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